Act of altruism observed in bull elephant seal

A trio of ecologists has observed for the first time, an act of altruism performed by a bull elephant seal. In their paper published in the journal Marine Mammal Science, Sarah Allen, Matthew Lau, and Sarah Codde offer photographic ...

California's crashing kelp forest

First the sea stars wasted to nothing. Then the purple urchins took over, eating and eating until the bull kelp forests were gone. The red abalone starved. Their fishery closed. Red sea urchins starved. Their fishery collapsed. ...

Austrian daredevil succeeds in space jump (LIVE webcast)

Austrian daredevil Felix Baumgartner made a record-breaking leap from the edge of space Sunday, landing safely in the New Mexico desert after freefalling from more than 24 miles above the Earth.

Red Bull logo enough to shape consumer performance

Red Bull's red and gold logo can "give you wings" – for better or worse – even if consumers don't know it, according to a new study by two Boston College professors, who found the brand's edgy marketing efforts ...

Bull ant venom could put the bite on pain

Venom from the giant red bull ant is helping University of Queensland scientists understand the evolution of animal toxins in work that could lead to better treatments for pain.

Sharks pose Sydney food-chain puzzle

Three shark attacks in Sydney in three weeks drove newspapers and talk show hosts into a feeding frenzy and sent a collective shudder through the other species at the top of the food chain -- humans.

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