Novel compound selectively kills cancer cells

A cancer cell may seem out of control, growing wildly and breaking all the rules of orderly cell life and death. But amid the seeming chaos there is a balance between a cancer cell's revved-up metabolism and skyrocketing ...

Tracking therapeutic nanoparticles that target breast tumors

Researchers at Rice University, collaborating with investigators at the Baylor College of Medicine, have used two different types of imaging technologies to track the delivery of a therapeutic nanoparticle to breast tumors. ...

Magnetic field directs nanoparticles to tumors

( -- To improve the tumor-specific delivery of drug to tumors, a team of investigators from the University of California, San Diego (UCSD) has created a system of nanoparticles-within-a-nanoparticle that can be ...

Clue to unusual drug-resistant breast cancers found

Researchers at the University of Illinois at Chicago College of Medicine have found how gene expression that may contribute to drug resistance is ramped up in unusual types of breast tumors. Their findings may offer new therapy ...

Super-sizing a cancer drug minimizes side effects

One of the first chemotherapy drugs given to patients diagnosed with cancer — especially lung, ovarian or breast cancer — is cisplatin, a platinum-containing compound that gums up tumor cells’ DNA. Cisplatin does a ...

New arsenic nanoparticle blocks aggressive breast cancer

You can teach an old drug new chemotherapy tricks. Northwestern University researchers took a drug therapy proven for blood cancers but ineffective against solid tumors, packaged it with nanotechnology and got it to combat ...

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