Super-sizing a cancer drug minimizes side effects

One of the first chemotherapy drugs given to patients diagnosed with cancer — especially lung, ovarian or breast cancer — is cisplatin, a platinum-containing compound that gums up tumor cells’ DNA. Cisplatin does a ...

New arsenic nanoparticle blocks aggressive breast cancer

You can teach an old drug new chemotherapy tricks. Northwestern University researchers took a drug therapy proven for blood cancers but ineffective against solid tumors, packaged it with nanotechnology and got it to combat ...

Potential for New Nanoparticle-Based Cancer Detection

( -- Recent studies support the idea that the standard methods of screening men for prostate cancer leave much to be desired, particularly in terms of their inability to have much effect on prostate cancer survival.

Biochemist unlocks gene's role in breast-tumor growth

New research led by McGill Biochemist Dr. William Muller helps explain why breast-milk cells lose their structure, causing them to clump up in strange ways (photos available) and sometimes become cancer tumors. With the support ...

Nanofibers Carry Toxic Peptides Into Cancer Cells

( -- Researchers have long known that certain peptides are capable of killing cells by inserting themselves into the cell membranes and disrupting normal membrane structure and function. Now, researchers at Northwestern ...

Nanosystems Capture and Destroy Circulating Tumor Cells

( -- Just as fly paper captures insects, a pair of nanotechnology-enabled devices are able to grab cancer cells in the blood that have broken off from a tumor. These cells, known as circulating tumor cells, or ...

Nanoprobes hit targets in tumors, could lessen chemo side effects

( -- Tiny nanoprobes have shown to be effective in delivering cancer drugs more directly to tumor cells - mitigating the damage to nearby healthy cells - and Purdue University research has shown that the nanoprobes ...

Discovery in worms points to more targeted cancer treatment

Researchers at Queen's University have found a link between two genes involved in cancer formation in humans, by examining the genes in worms. The groundbreaking discovery provides a foundation for how tumor-forming genes ...

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