Hypothetical questions can influence behavior

(PhysOrg.com) -- With the election cycle now underway, many Americans will be responding to political polls about who they support in the races for president and other offices. But can the poll questions themselves influence ...

How water gets its exceptional properties

Water is liquid at room temperature – astounding for such a small molecule. Insights into the causes are provided by a new simulation method, which has its origins in brain research. Using artificial neural networks, researchers ...

Does a brain in a dish have moral rights?

No longer limited to the realm of science fiction, bio-computing is here, so now is the time to start considering how to research and apply this technology responsibly, an international group of experts says.

Missing link explains mRNA delivery in brain cells

Brain cells manufacture proteins in every corner, including their long branches. Neurons missing this ability cause severe neurological disorders like disability and epilepsy. The groups of Marino Zerial, Max Planck Institute ...

Visualization provides decision-makers with the big picture

The human brain is not very well-equipped for analysing multidimensional data. In his doctoral dissertation, Mikko Berg, M.Sc. (Tech.) examined how graphical visualizations can help people to understand complex data. One ...

Microsoft Research project can interpret, caption photos

If you're surfing the web and you come across a photo of the Mariners' Felix Hernandez on the pitchers' mound at Safeco Field, chances are you'll quickly interpret that you are looking at a picture of a baseball player on ...

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