A beacon molecule that prevents vision, behavioral problems in mice

Nestled deep in the middle of the vertebrate brain is a multi-sensory integration and movement control center called the superior colliculus. In rodents, this brain region integrates multi-sensory inputs—visual cues, sounds, ...

Implanted memories teach birds a song

A father holds up his newborn, their faces only inches apart, and slowly repeats the syllables "da" and "dee." After months of hearing these sounds, the baby begins to babble and gradually "da da da" is refined to the word ...

Brain parts involved in parenting in frogs revealed

A team of researchers from Stanford University, Harvard University, Centro Jambatu de Investigación y Conservación de Anfibios and East Carolina University has isolated the brain regions involved in poison dart frog parenting. ...

Study hints at why parrots are great vocal imitators

An international team of scientists led by Duke University researchers has uncovered key structural differences in the brains of parrots that may explain the birds' unparalleled ability to imitate sounds and human speech.

Small evolutionary shifts make big impacts, study finds

(PhysOrg.com) -- In the developing fetus, cell growth follows a very specific schedule. In the eye's retina, for example, cones -- which help distinguish color during the day -- develop before the more light-sensitive rods ...

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List of regions in the human brain

Anatomical regions of the brain are listed vertically, following hierarchies that are standard in neuroanatomy. Functional, connective and developmental regions are listed horizontally in parentheses where appropriate.

Functional and connective regions defined as systems are categorized at cerebrospinal systems.

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