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Probing dark matter with the Higgs boson

Visible matter—everything from pollen to stars and galaxies—accounts for roughly 15% of the total mass of the universe. The remaining 85% is made of something entirely different from things we can touch and see: dark ...

Looking for sterile neutrinos in the CMS muon system

The CMS collaboration has recently presented new results in searches for long-lived heavy neutral leptons (HNLs). Also known as "sterile neutrinos", HNLs are interesting hypothetical particles that could solve three major ...

LHC experiments eliminate more Higgs hiding spots (Update)

( -- Two experimental collaborations at the Large Hadron Collider, located at CERN laboratory near Geneva, Switzerland, announced today that they have significantly narrowed the mass region in which the Higgs ...

The Year of the Higgs?

This February, researchers will renew their search for one of the universe's most elusive mysteries, the Higgs boson--a hypothetical particle that if found would give an insight into why particles have certain mass.

For India, 'God particle' is as much boson as Higgs

The release Wednesday of dramatic new data pointing to the existence of the Higgs boson "God particle" sent a special flutter of pride, mixed with frustration, through India's scientific community.

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