Related topics: stem cells · cells · bone marrow

Tiny filters help detect cancerous blood cells

Multiple myeloma is a type of blood cancer in which malignant plasma cells, a type of white blood cell, accumulate in the bone marrow. This leads to bone destruction and failure of the marrow, which in healthy individuals, ...

Immune cells regulate blood stem cells

Researchers in Bern, Germany, have discovered that, during a viral infection, immune cells control the blood stem cells in the bone marrow and therefore also the body's own defences. The findings could allow for new forms ...

Enhanced stem cells promote tissue regeneration

MIT engineers have boosted stem cells' ability to regenerate vascular tissue (such as blood vessels) by equipping them with genes that produce extra growth factors (naturally occurring compounds that stimulate tissue growth). ...

Red or white? Healthy humans need both

When it comes to wine, we can choose red or white depending on our tastes. With blood cells, however, we need both red and white in order to stay healthy and function well.

Snip, snip, cure—correcting defects in the genetic blueprint

Gene editing using 'molecular scissors' that snip out and replace faulty DNA could provide an almost unimaginable future for some patients: a complete cure. Cambridge researchers are working towards making the technology ...

Growing blood stem cells in the lab to save lives

Hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) are important immature blood cells in bone marrow that can be triggered to develop into any blood cell type. HSC transplants can be used to treat conditions where bone marrow is damaged and ...

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