Illuminated pajamas treat newborns

Alone, naked, and with their eyes covered for protection: this is how newborns lie in incubators when they are being treated for jaundice. Irradiation with blue light in an incubator is necessary because toxic decomposition ...

Tracing the light inside an LED

The performance of white LEDs can be improved, based on better knowledge of the absorption and scattering of light inside the LED. A new method, developed by the University of Twente in The Netherlands and Philips Lighting, ...

Protein mingling under blue light

One of the current challenges in biology is to understand rapidly-changing phenomena. Interestingly, only a small fraction of them is due to proteins acting in isolation, the majority of biological events are regulated by ...

On the path toward molecular robots

Scientists in Japan have developed light-powered molecular motors that repetitively bend and unbend, bringing us closer to molecular robots.

Manipulating gene expression precisely using light

A Hokkaido University researcher has successfully developed a method to accurately manipulate gene expression by light illumination and demonstrated its usability by creating double-headed zebrafish.

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