Plant makes growth spurt as competition approaches

Plants know when to grow faster to stay ahead of the competition based on the colour of the light that reaches them. This process works even when the competition is still far away. But the plants work even harder as the danger ...

The houseplant with a blueprint for improving energy harvesting

For many people, nanotechnology belongs in the realm of science fiction. Researchers at the Universities of Bristol and Essex have solved the mystery of the blue sheen on the leaves of some begonias and have found that their ...

Ancient proteins shown to control plant growth

A UCLA-led international team of life scientists reports the discovery of mechanisms regulating plant growth that could provide new insights into how the mammalian biological clock affects human health. The research will ...

A blue stoplight to prevent runaway photosynthesis

Through photosynthesis, solar energy is converted into biological energy. It is often thought that photosynthesis becomes stronger as light becomes stronger, but actually photosynthesis may run out of control if subjected ...

Birds get the green (and red) light

Japanese quail grow and breed best under green and red lighting. An important bird in the poultry industry, quail thrive better under these conditions than in white and blue light, according to recent research carried out ...

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