Behind the formation and protection of microtubules

Cellular life hinges on a network of hollow cables called microtubules dynamically lengthening and shortening according to the needs of the moment. During cell division, for instance, these cables latch onto chromosomes and ...

Dynamic 3D structure extraction from HS-AFM images

Allowing the direct observation of biomolecules in dynamic action, high-speed AFM has opened a new avenue to dynamic structural biology. An enormous number of successful applications developed within the last 15 years provide ...

New fluorescent dyes help illuminate microscopic life

Inspired by the mechanism behind light-sensitive sunglasses, a team led by a North Carolina State University researcher invented a family of fluorescent dyes to illuminate biological processes at a very small scale—comparable ...

Humans vs. bacteria: Differences in ribosome decoding revealed

Scientists at St. Jude Children's Research Hospital revealed that human ribosomes decode messenger RNA (mRNA) 10 times slower than bacterial ribosomes, but do so more accurately. The study, published today in Nature, used ...

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