Related topics: volcano ยท volcanic ash

Record-breaking volcanic kettle on Iceland explored

The Bardarbunga eruption on Iceland has broken many records. The event in 2014 was the strongest in Europe since more than 240 years. The hole it left behind, the so-called caldera, is the biggest caldera formation ever observed. ...

Shedding light on plumes

Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich researchers have shown that volcanic lightning results from the discharge of static electricity accumulated by ash particles in the rising plume. Observations of such flashes could help ...

Ash coats village areas near erupting Alaska volcano

A village not far from an erupting Alaska volcano urged residents to stay indoors after the mountain rained down ash, coating ground areas and turning some rooftops and car windows black.

Guatemala warily monitors erupting volcano

Guatemalan authorities Monday warily monitored the eruption of a volcano near its capital that spewed columns of ash up to seven kilometers (four miles) high.

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