Scientists persuade nature to make silicon-carbon bonds

A new study is the first to show that living organisms can be persuaded to make silicon-carbon bonds—something only chemists had done before. Scientists at Caltech "bred" a bacterial protein to make the man-made bonds—a ...

Graphene-coated heart valves could sidestep harmful drugs

Every year thousands of people are fitted with artificial heart valves to replace their own malfunctioning valve. Many of these patients, however, have to remain on drugs that stop blood clotting on these artificial valves. ...

A designer enzyme for alternative energy

( —Imagine pulling energy out of thin air. Yi Lu and his colleagues are on that path, in a quest to find alternatives to fossil fuels. The team has designed an enzyme that can harvest the energy of atmospheric ...

Enzyme created in test tube displays new structure, function

(—Five years ago, a pair of researchers used a clever update on a technique called in vitro evolution – evolution in a test tube – to turn an ordinary protein into an artificial enzyme, a biological catalyst ...

Programmable DNA scissors found for bacterial immune system

( -- Genetic engineers and genomics researchers should welcome the news from the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) where an international team of scientists has discovered a new and possibly more ...

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