Scientists use 3D printing to make artificial blood vessels

The tangled highway of blood vessels that twists and turns inside our bodies, delivering essential nutrients and disposing of hazardous waste to keep our organs working properly has been a conundrum for scientists trying ...

Microrobots in swarms for medical embolization

Microrobotic agents can form swarms of targeted drug delivery for improved imaging analyses. In a new report now published in Science Advances, Junhui Law and a team of researchers in mechanical and industrial engineering, ...

Graphene-coated heart valves could sidestep harmful drugs

Every year thousands of people are fitted with artificial heart valves to replace their own malfunctioning valve. Many of these patients, however, have to remain on drugs that stop blood clotting on these artificial valves. ...

Cellulose with Braille for cells

Artificial implants such as pacemakers often cause complications because the body identifies them as foreign objects. Researchers at ETH Zurich have now demonstrated a simple method to fabricate cellulose-sheaths for implants, ...

3-D printed tissues may keep athletes in action

Bioscientists are moving closer to 3-D-printed artificial tissues to help heal bone and cartilage typically damaged in sports-related injuries to knees, ankles and elbows.

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