NASA's two eyes on Tropical Cyclone Daya

Two of NASA's "eyes" have been watching Tropical Cyclone Daya and providing data to forecasters. As Tropical Cyclone Daya continued to move away from La Reunion Island in the Southern Indian Ocean, NASA's RapidScat instrument ...

NASA image: Rough fire in Southern California

Wildfires in the western states have been continuous this summer season. This natural-color satellite image, collected by the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) aboard the Aqua satellite on August 30, ...

NASA sees major Hurricane Hector moving south of Hawaii

Hurricane Hector maintained its major hurricane status on Aug. 8 as NASA's Aqua satellite passed overhead. Infrared data from NASA's Aqua satellite provided forecasters with cloud top temperatures in Hector so they could ...

NASA sees former Tropical Depression 30W entering Indian Ocean

Now a remnant low pressure area, former Tropical Depression 30W may get new another life in another ocean. NASA's Aqua satellite captured an infrared image of the storm that showed strong circulation and persistent developing ...

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