Surges in latent infections: Mathematical analysis of viral blips

Recurrent infection is a common feature of persistent viral diseases. It includes episodes of high viral production interspersed by periods of relative quiescence. These quiescent or silent stages are hard to study with experimental ...

New nanotechnique to deliver life-saving drugs to the brain

( —In a study published in today's issue of Nature Communications, researchers from FIU's Herbert Wertheim College of Medicine describe a revolutionary technique they have developed that can deliver and fully release ...

Mathematically modeling HIV drug pharmacodynamics

37 million people around the world today live with Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), which is responsible for roughly 1.1 million deaths caused by AIDS-related conditions.

Detecting disease with a smartphone accessory

As antiretroviral drugs that treat HIV have become more commonplace, the incidence of Kaposi's sarcoma, a type of cancer linked to AIDS, has decreased in the United States. The disease, however, remains prevalent in sub-Saharan ...

Putting the brakes on drug-resistant HIV

( -- HIV-1 protease inhibitors were added as a component of highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) in the mid-1990s, and have played a key role in that treatment regimen ever since. However, the emergence ...

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