A necessary evil? What you need to know about animal research

Every year, millions of animals are used in scientific research across the UK. Statistics suggest that almost four million scientific procedures were carried out on animals in 2016 alone. The majority of these were reported ...

A new model for communication in plant cells

Plant cells share a strange and surprising kinship with animal neurons: many plant cells have proteins that closely resemble glutamate receptors, which help to relay nerve signals from one neuron to another. While plants ...

Video: The search for human pheromones

Molecules known as pheromones are a potent form of chemical communication in the animal kingdom, able to convey a creature's gender, fertility and more with scent alone. Scientists have sought to determine if humans' body ...

Could goats become man's best friend?

Goats have the capacity to communicate with people like other domesticated animals, such as dogs and horses, according to scientists from Queen Mary University of London (QMUL).

Trophy hunting may be a key to saving wildlife

The world may need to allow controlled trophy hunting of elephants, lions and other animals if it wants to keep its endangered wildlife, an environmental scientist says.

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