Attaining wider viewing angles for holographic 3D displays

The holographic 3D display is an important technology with excellent application prospects. However, the viewing angle of holographic 3D displays is currently limited by existing strategies. This significant challenge must ...

Video: Small angle neutron scattering

SINE2020 and the Institute Laue-Langevin in Grenoble, France have collaborated to produce a motion design video highlighting how small angle neutron scattering (SANS) can be used to track the description, distribution, and ...

Einstein in an iron crystal

Tiny relativistic effects form the basis of the functionalities in modern technology, as exemplified in magnetic hard disks and data storage media. Now for the first time, scientists have directly observed features in an ...

Industry's largest glass-molded aspheric lens

Panasonic Corporation today announced that it has developed the industry's largest glass-molded aspheric lens measuring 75 mm in diameter that can be used for interchangeable lenses for cameras and projectors whose size and ...

Image: Janus from afar

Cassini's narrow angle camera captures Saturn's tiny irregular moon Janus surrounded by the vast, dark expanse of the outer solar system.

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