New technology offers fast peptide synthesis

Manufacturing small proteins known as peptides is usually very time-consuming, which has slowed development of new peptide drugs for diseases such as cancer, diabetes, and bacterial infections.

Diverse natural fatty acids follow 'Golden Mean'

Bioinformatics scientists at Friedrich Schiller University in Jena (Germany) have discovered that the number of theoretically possible fatty acids with the same chain length but different structures can be determined with ...

Seeking structure with metagenome sequences

For proteins, appearance matters. These important molecules largely form a cell's structures and carry out its functions: proteins control growth and influence mobility, serve as catalysts, and transport or store other molecules. ...

Researchers reveal the secret code language of bacteria

Antibiotic resistance in pathogenic bacteria is a growing global challenge. Danish researchers have now discovered that bacteria use a code language to avoid being controlled. Understanding this code language will be paramount ...

Exploring the evolutionary history of the immune system

The enzyme known as ALOX15 plays a crucial role in the production of anti-inflammatory and pro-resolving lipid mediators. As mammals have evolved, this enzyme has undergone changes to both its structure and function. Researchers ...

Small but mighty: Tiny proteins with big roles in biology (Update)

We all know how hard it is to find something small like a dropped contact lens that blends into the background. It's similarly tough for biologists to find tiny proteins against the complex background of the cell. But, increasingly, ...

Computers learn to recognize molecules that can enter cells

A team of researchers from UCLA and the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign originally set out to discover and design antimicrobial peptides—short chains of amino acids that can kill bacteria by punching holes in ...

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