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US court to decide if human genes can be patented

The Supreme Court announced Friday it will decide whether companies can patent human genes, a decision that could reshape medical research in the United States and the fight against diseases like breast and ovarian cancer.

Federal judge rules NSA phone surveillance legal (Update)

The heated debate over the National Security Agency's bulk collection of millions of Americans' telephone records fell squarely into the courts when a federal judge in Manhattan upheld the legality of the program and cited ...

US privacy groups welcome 'Do Not Track' bill

Privacy and consumer groups welcomed a "Do Not Track" bill introduced in the US Senate on Monday that would let Internet users block companies from gathering information about their online activities.

Many US police use cell phones to track: study

Many US police departments use cell phone tracking, often without court orders, to find suspects and investigate criminal cases, according to a study released Monday.

3Qs: Mobile tracking in criminal investigations

Last week, the American Civil Liberties Union released a new report revealing that law-enforcement agencies frequently use cell-phone tracking data provided by wireless carriers — often without a warrant. Northeastern ...

GPS court ruling leaves US phone tracking unclear

A US Supreme Court decision requiring a warrant to place a GPS device on the car of a criminal suspect leaves unresolved the bigger issue of police tracking using mobile phones, legal experts say.

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