Related topics: volcano

Air traffic privatization plan hits turbulence in Congress

President Donald Trump's plan to privatize the nation's air traffic control system is running into bipartisan opposition in Congress, where Republicans fret that it could raise costs for air travelers and hurt small airports.

Image: Impact of a solar storm, 28 October 2003

While this scene looks like the mesmerising result of shaking up a festive snow globe, it is in fact the disturbing effect of one of the most powerful solar storms ever recorded.

40 years of safer aviation through reporting

The U.S. has an incredibly safe aviation system – it's unparalleled when compared to other modes of transportation. The basis for this historic safety record is that we identify and correct safety concerns before they become ...

Gamification of the aviation sector

Restructuring IT systems in the aviation sector requires cross-disciplinary collaboration between experts from different organisations and countries. This isn't easy. Can help be found in the world of computer games?

Researchers recommend an EU-own flight ticket tax

Several EU member states have failed to introduce taxes on air traffic. Now, researchers from the EU-funded FairTax project, coordinated by Umeå University in Sweden, suggest in a paper that the EU should introduce an EU ...

Air controller study shows chronic fatigue

Air traffic controllers' work schedules often lead to chronic fatigue, making them less alert and endangering the safety of the national air traffic system, according to a study the government has kept secret for nearly four ...

Learning early about late flights

A new study published in the Articles in Advance section of Transportation Science, a journal of the Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS), improves how air traffic managers cope with unexpected ...

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