Designer bacteria produce coral antibiotic

Thomas Brück saw the sea whip Antillogorgia elisabethae for the first time 17 years ago while diving on a research trip to the Bahamas. He still remembers this encounter vividly, which took place 18 meters below the water's ...

Microbes far beneath the seafloor rely on recycling to survive

Scientists from Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution reveal how microorganisms could survive in rocks nestled thousands of feet beneath the ocean floor in the lower oceanic crust, in a study published on March 11 in Nature. ...

Using fungi to search for medical drugs

An enormous library of products derived from more than 10,000 fungi could help scientists find new drugs. Researchers from the group of Jeroen den Hertog at the Hubrecht Institute, in collaboration with researchers from the ...

Scientists find longevity biomarkers

An international group of scientists studied the effects of 17 lifespan-extending interventions on gene activity in mice and discovered genetic biomarkers of longevity. The results of their study were published in the journal ...

A substance found in brown coal can help combat viruses

Scientists from Russia have demonstrated a novel approach leveraging high-resolution mass spectrometry and chemoinformatics to identify biologically active molecular components of humic substances extracted from coal, and ...

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