Webb finds icy complex organic molecules around protostars

In the quest to understand how and where life might arise in the galaxy, astronomers search for its building blocks. Complex Organic Molecules (COMs) are some of those blocks, and they include things like formaldehyde and ...

Nature inspires a new wave of biotechnology

Biological molecules called peptides play a key role in many biological activities, including the transport of oxygen and electrons. Peptides consist of short chains of amino acids, the building blocks of proteins. They are ...

Could life exist in molecular clouds?

Our search for life beyond Earth is still in its infancy. We're focused on Mars and, to a lesser extent, ocean moons like Jupiter's Europa and Saturn's Enceladus. Should we extend our search to cover more unlikely places ...

Fluorine catch-and-attach process could boost drug efficiency

When it comes to chemical reactions, fluorine has a reputation as a 'magic bullet atom' for its ability to increase a drug's absorption and prolong its lifetime. However, traditional methods of adding it to compounds entail ...

Fatty acid factory filmed at work

Humans generally ingest most of their required fatty acids through their diet. Still, fatty acid biosynthesis is a vital metabolic pathway. For yeasts and bacteria, it is even indispensable.

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