Metal-organic frameworks behave like enzymes in catalysis

The construction of substrate-specific nanopockets in metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) with allosteric effects has been demonstrated to facilitate the formation of the transition state in catalytic reactions, as enzymes do.

Sustainable electro-synthesis of esters

National University of Singapore chemists have discovered how acetate esters could be electro-synthesized from water and carbon monoxide in an environmentally sustainable way.

Researchers discover yeast self-destruct pathway

The cells of some yeast species undergo what appears to be a self-destruct process following certain kinds of stress, according to a new study from researchers at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.

Turning waste PPE into water and vinegar

A process to convert PPE waste into harmless byproducts is a potential gamechanger to the problem of PPE waste filling landfills and polluting oceans and rivers.

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