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DART mission sheds new light on target binary asteroid system

In studying data collected from NASA's DART (Double Asteroid Redirection Test) mission, which in 2022 sent a spacecraft to intentionally collide with the asteroid moonlet Dimorphos, the mission's science team has discovered ...

Solar storms could cause more auroras

Massive explosions on the sun have triggered warnings of geomagnetic storms that could create dazzling auroras in the northern United States, Europe and southern Australia from Tuesday night.

Spacecraft to swing by Earth, moon on path to Jupiter

A spacecraft launched last year will slingshot back around Earth and the moon next month in a high-stakes, world-first maneuver as it pinballs its way through the solar system to Jupiter.

Is this how you get hot Jupiters?

When we think of Jupiter-type planets, we usually picture massive cloud-covered worlds orbiting far from their stars. That distance keeps their volatile gases from vaporizing from stellar heat, similar to what we're familiar ...

How solar storms play havoc with our lives

Despite the 150 million kilometers that separate it from the Earth, the sun does more than just light our way: it also impacts our electricity networks, and even our transport.

Image: A Saturnian summer

NASA's Hubble Space Telescope captured this image of Saturn and its colossal rings on July 4, 2020, during summer in the gas giant's northern hemisphere. Two of Saturn's icy moons are also clearly visible: Mimas at right, ...

NASA's ICON mission ends with several ionospheric breakthroughs

After contributing to many important findings on the boundary between Earth's atmosphere and space, the Ionospheric Connection Explorer (ICON) mission has come to an end. ICON launched in October 2019 and after completing ...

More news

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Webb images nearest super-Jupiter, opening a new window to exoplanet research
Planetary Sciences
Chinese lunar probe finds water in moon samples
Planetary Sciences
NASA rocket discovers new energization process in upper atmosphere
Space Exploration
Moon dust could contaminate lunar explorers' water supply
Effects of stellar magnetism could expand criteria for exoplanet habitability
Planetary Sciences
Image: NASA's Juno mission captures the colorful and chaotic clouds of Jupiter
New dawn for space storm alerts could help shield Earth's tech
Planetary Sciences
Introducing Ramses, ESA's 2029 mission to asteroid Apophis
Planetary Sciences
Washington DC among US cities most vulnerable to space weather, scientists say
Planetary Sciences
NASA's Curiosity rover discovers a surprise in a Martian rock
Planetary Sciences
A new explanation for Jupiter's shrinking Great Red Spot
Signatures of life could survive near surfaces of the moons Enceladus and Europa, NASA experiment suggests
Scientists unveil cosmic fingerprints of sulfur rings
Planetary Sciences
Ground conditions can impact lunar swirls, study finds
Planetary Sciences
Exoplanet-hunting telescope to begin search for another Earth in 2026
Planetary Sciences
Astronomers spot a 'highly eccentric' planet on its way to becoming a hot Jupiter
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Grain boundaries weaken in planetary interiors, research suggests
Discovery alert: With six new exoplanets, 5,500 discovery milestone passed
Exoplanet caught in 'hairpin turn' signals how high-mass gas giants form
Space Exploration
A meteor streaked over the NYC skyline before disintegrating over New Jersey

Other news

Space Exploration
One year on 'Mars': Inside NASA's ultra-realistic isolation study
Plants & Animals
Monarch butterflies need help, and research shows a little bit of milkweed goes a long way
Plants & Animals
Scientists discover entirely new wood type that could be highly efficient at carbon storage
General Physics
The major Atlantic current that keeps Northern Europe warm could have new variations and tipping points
General Physics
New study uses self-interacting dark matter to solve the final parsec problem
Is that glass bottle of orange juice better for the planet than a plastic container?
The sun's corona is weirdly hot, and Parker Solar Probe rules out one explanation
Materials Science
Newly created super-black wood can improve telescopes, optical devices and consumer goods
Astronomers observe eclipses of pulsar PSR J0024−7204O
Quantum Physics
Researchers develop general framework for designing quantum sensors
Materials Science
Mucus-based bioink could be used to print and grow lung tissue
Earth Sciences
New York's Long Island Sound acidifies during droughts
Researchers identify unique phenomenon in Kagome metal
Plants & Animals
Study identifies universal blueprint for mammalian brain shape
General Physics
Engineers use machine learning to measure chaos in systems
Social Sciences
Study finds friendships in America may be in less peril than previously thought
Molecular & Computational biology
Researchers discover high levels of non-coding RNAs in testes, suggesting new roles in sperm function and evolution
Organic nanozymes have broad applications from food and agriculture to biomedicine
Molecular & Computational biology
Precise genetics: New CRISPR method enables efficient DNA modification
What did Bronze Age people do with all that bronze? New research revives old arguments about the nature of money

More planets than stars: Kepler's legacy

The Kepler mission enabled the discovery of thousands of exoplanets, revealing a deep truth about our place in the cosmos: There are more planets than stars in the Milky Way galaxy. The road to this fundamental change in ...

Astronomers discover new Saturn-sized exoplanet

An international team of astronomers reports the discovery of a new exoplanet orbiting a solar-type star. The newfound alien world, designated TOI-1135 b is young, hot and comparable in size to Saturn. The discovery was detailed ...

Multiple spacecraft tell the story of one giant solar storm

April 17, 2021, was a day like any other day on the sun, until a brilliant flash erupted and an enormous cloud of solar material billowed away from our star. Such outbursts from the sun are not unusual, but this one was unusually ...

Fixing space-physics mistake enhances satellite safety

Correcting 50-year-old errors in the math used to understand how electromagnetic waves scatter electrons trapped in Earth's magnetic fields will lead to better protection for technology in space.