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Search results for science

Superconductivity 28 minutes ago

High-temperature superconductivity: Exploring quadratic electron-phonon coupling

A new study published in Physical Review Letters (PRL) explores the potential of quadratic electron-phonon coupling to enhance superconductivity through the formation of quantum bipolarons.

Biotechnology 11 hours ago

Improving crops with laser beams and 3D printing

A demonstration of how new technologies can be used in 21st century crop breeding comes from just published research that combines laser scanning and 3D printing to create a detailed 3D model of a sugar beet plant.

Astronomy 21 hours ago

Supercooled phase transitions: Could they explain gravitational wave signals?

A new study published in Physical Review Letters explores the possibility that a strongly supercooled, first-order phase transition in the early universe could explain gravitational wave signals observed by pulsar timing ...

Optics & Photonics 23 hours ago

The design of a photonic alloy with topological properties

Photonic alloys, alloy-like materials combining two or more photonic crystals, are promising candidates for the development of structures that control the propagation of electromagnetic waves, also known as waveguides. Despite ...

Astronomy 22 hours ago

Observations explore stellar content of nearby young open cluster Berkeley 59

Astronomers from India and Thailand have observed a young nearby open cluster known as Berkeley 59. Results of the observational campaign, published June 12 on the pre-print server arXiv, deliver essential information regarding ...

Planetary Sciences 17 hours ago

Researchers find wave activity on Titan may be strong enough to erode the coastlines of lakes and seas

Titan, Saturn's largest moon, is the only other planetary body in the solar system that currently hosts active rivers, lakes, and seas. These otherworldly river systems are thought to be filled with liquid methane and ethane ...

Environment 17 hours ago

Caffeine may be a useful marker of wastewater leaks in storm drain systems

In developed countries such as Japan, wastewater systems designed to keep harmful pollutants out of storm drainage are aging and deteriorating, sending contaminants into local bodies of water. Finding the source of a leak ...

Polymers 20 hours ago

Researchers create new class of materials called 'glassy gels'

Researchers have created a new class of materials called "glassy gels" that are very hard and difficult to break despite containing more than 50% liquid. Coupled with the fact that glassy gels are simple to produce, the material ...

Optics & Photonics 20 hours ago

Researchers develop platform to probe, control qubits in silicon for quantum networks

The quantum internet would be a lot easier to build if we could use existing telecommunications technologies and infrastructure. Over the past few years, researchers have discovered defects in silicon—a ubiquitous semiconductor ...

Condensed Matter 22 hours ago

Discovery of one-dimensional topological insulator for qubits, other technology

A joint research team that included members from Tohoku University has unveiled a new topological insulator (TI), a unique state of matter that differs from conventional metals, insulators, and semiconductors.

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