Search results for theranostic

Bio & Medicine Mar 16, 2017

Russian scientists teach ultrasound find and kill cancer cells

A group of physicists and biologists from Russia under the supervision of Professor Viktor Timoshenko from the National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (Russia) has used silicone nanoparticles for highlighting and destroying ...

Bio & Medicine Jan 18, 2017

New method to diagnose cancer

An international group of scientists has created a new approach to the diagnostics of breast cancer with the help of nanoparticles of porous silicone.

Biochemistry Dec 7, 2016

Using magnets instead of antibiotics as a new treatment method for blood infection

Magnets instead of antibiotics could provide a possible new treatment method for blood infection. This involves the blood of patients being mixed with magnetic iron particles, which bind the bacteria to them after which they ...

Bio & Medicine Dec 5, 2016

Scientist designs lamp light operative photodynamic molecules for tumor therapy

UMass Medical School scientist Gang Han, PhD, and his team have designed a new class of molecules used in photodynamic therapy that are able to direct lamp light deep into tissue to kill cancer tumors.

Bio & Medicine Sep 21, 2016

The pursuit of microscopic drugs that can be tracked as they fight cancer

Microscopic drug molecules could soon be sent into the body to fight disease and their journey tracked using photo-acoustic imaging, after researchers developed a smart material that can locate and image cancer sites inside ...

Biochemistry Sep 16, 2016

Scientists use laser for early thrombosis detection

An international collaborative of researchers has conducted experiments on mice to detect blood clotting using photoacoustic flow-cytometry. The results have been published in the journal PLOS ONE.

Bio & Medicine Jul 25, 2016

Scientists have created nanoparticles that cure cancer harmlessly

Lomonosov Moscow State University researchers, in collaboration with German colleagues, have applied silicon nanoparticles to diagnose and cure cancer. For the first time, scientists have demonstrated the ability of particles ...

Bio & Medicine Jun 20, 2016

New nanoparticle technology developed to treat aggressive thyroid cancer

Anaplastic thyroid cancer (ATC), the most aggressive form of thyroid cancer, has a mortality rate of nearly 100 percent and a median survival time of three to five months. One promising strategy for the treatment of these ...

Biochemistry Jan 20, 2016

Using light for targeted drug delivery could help fight tumors, local infections

Some drug regimens, such as those designed to eliminate tumors, are notorious for nasty side effects. Unwanted symptoms are often the result of medicine going where it's not needed and harming healthy cells. To minimize this ...

Bio & Medicine Jan 20, 2016

Localized oxidative killing of tumor cells by glassy iron nanoparticles

Amorphous iron nanoparticles have a specific toxicity in tumor cells. In the journal Angewandte Chemie, Chinese scientists describe their design and synthesis of a special amorphous state of nanoparticulate iron, which can ...

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