Search results for sperm nucleus

Cell & Microbiology Nov 29, 2018

Study shows mitochondrial DNA can be passed through fathers – what does this mean for genetics?

Some things you learn in school turn out not to be true, for example that there are just five senses or three states of matter. Now cutting-edge research has added to the list by proving the mitochondria (the power sources ...

Biotechnology Nov 29, 2018

Mechanism safeguarding unique epigenome of oocytes and maternal fertility

In mammals, females have a limited supply of oocytes. Oocytes have a unique epigenome with approximately half the DNA methylation of sperm, and the most terminally differentiated somatic cells. Until recently, regulators ...

Biotechnology Oct 11, 2018

Mouse pups with same-sex parents born in China using stem cells and gene editing

Researchers at the Chinese Academy of Sciences were able to produce healthy mice with two mothers that went on to have normal offspring of their own. Mice from two dads were also born but only survived for a couple of days. ...

Biotechnology Oct 8, 2018

Could villains clone themselves to take over the world?

If asked about clones, most people think of evil sci-fi characters. However, in real life, the word "clone" often has broader, far more positive applications. Just as office workers replicate documents by using copy machines, ...

Evolution Sep 6, 2018

Elucidating the Chara genome: Implications for emergence of land plants in Paleozoic era

Charophyceae, relatives of land plants, have genomes that present important information to understand how land plants evolved from their ancestors in the Paleozoic era. Here, we report the draft genome of Chara braunii from ...

Cell & Microbiology Aug 7, 2018

Research reveals molecular details of sperm-egg fusion

The fusion of a sperm cell with an egg cell is the very first step in the process that leads to new individuals in sexually reproducing species. Fundamental as this process may be, scientists are only now beginning to understand ...

Biotechnology Aug 1, 2018

Yeast still grow—but can't always breed—when their sixteen chromosomes are fused into two

Baker's yeast survive and grow after a drastic reorganization, not of their genes, but of the chromosome superstructures that house, protect and control access to their DNA code, a study just published in Nature finds.

Biotechnology Jun 27, 2018

Key protein providing defense against 'jumping genes' identified

Though they occasionally play a role in animal development, transposons, also known as "jumping genetic elements," are in fact DNA sequences that have the potential to move to new positions within the genome. They constitute ...

Cell & Microbiology Apr 17, 2018

Timing is everything: Researchers describe genetic clockwork in germ cell development

The nematode C. elegans is a true organizational talent: The tiny life forms, just one millimetre long, live for only two to three weeks, with sexual maturity lasting only four days. They nevertheless manage to generate over ...

Biotechnology Apr 11, 2018

Scientists discover a role for 'junk' DNA

Researchers at the University of Michigan Life Sciences Institute and the Howard Hughes Medical Institute have determined how satellite DNA, considered to be "junk DNA," plays a crucial role in holding the genome together.

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