Search results for sperm nucleus

Evolution Jun 4, 2020

Mothers ensure their offspring's success through epigenetics

Parents pass genes along to their offspring traits that equip them for life. In recent years, research has shown that the reality is much more complex and that parents endow much more than just genes. A new study in Cell ...

Biotechnology Nov 27, 2019

Gene discovery in fruit flies could help search for new treatments for mitochondrial disease

Scientists have identified a protein in fruit flies that can be targeted to reverse the effects of disease-causing mutations in mitochondrial genes. The discovery could provide clues about how to counteract human mitochondrial ...

Biotechnology Oct 3, 2019

Scientists discover a new mechanism for the transfer of maternal genetic material

Researchers at the Centro Nacional de Investigadores Cardiovasculares (CNIC) have established the dynamics of the transfer of mitochondrial DNA from mothers to their offspring. The study is published today in Cell Metabolism.

Plants & Animals Sep 27, 2019

Older male sparrows seem to father more chicks by getting more sperm to the egg

Researchers are a step closer to solving the puzzle of why older male sparrows are more successful at mating and producing chicks.

Cell & Microbiology Aug 27, 2019

Cilia: Cell's long-overlooked antenna that can drive cancer—or stop it in its tracks

You might know that our lungs are lined with hair-like projections called motile cilia. These are tiny microtubule structures that appear on the surface of some cells or tissues. They can be found lining your nose and respiratory ...

Molecular & Computational biology Jun 17, 2019

Tracking life's first step: Two molecules 'awaken' brand new genome

Within hours after fertilization, a unique genome forms from chromosomes contributed by the egg and sperm. However, this new genome is initially inactive and must be "awakened" to begin the transcription of its DNA and start ...

Plants & Animals Apr 12, 2019

A study on zebrafish reveals how sexual rivalry can affect sperm function and quality

The presence of a rival male affects sperm quality, according to a research study led by the University of Alicante and the University of Upsala (Sweden). The work was carried out with adult zebrafish (Danio rerio) and reveals ...

Cell & Microbiology Mar 26, 2019

Infertility's roots in DNA packaging

Pathological infertility is a condition affecting roughly 7 percent of human males, and among those afflicted, 10 to 15 percent are thought to have a genetic cause. However, pinpointing the precise genes responsible for the ...

Cell & Microbiology Feb 18, 2019

Scientists reveal how 3-D arrangement of DNA helps perpetuate the species

From fathers to children, the delivery of hereditary information requires the careful packing of DNA in sperm. But just how nature packages this DNA to prepare offspring isn't clear. Using new technology to reveal the 3-D ...

Analytical Chemistry Feb 6, 2019

How 'optical tweezers' could address one of crime labs' biggest challenges

When potential DNA evidence—say, from a sexual assault case—is submitted to a forensic lab for analysis, the scientists are often faced with the time-consuming challenge of sorting out which DNA profile came from the ...

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