Search results for sperm nucleus

Molecular & Computational biology Apr 4, 2022

Are egg cells in aging primates protected from mutations?

New mutations occur at increasing rates in the mitochondrial genomes of developing egg cells in aging rhesus monkeys, but the increases appear to plateau at a certain age and are not as large as those seen in non-reproductive ...

Molecular & Computational biology Mar 31, 2022

New human reference genome opens unexplored regions

A complete sequence of the human genome has finally been published by an international consortium of scientists. The new reference genome fills in many gaps that were left by earlier drafts, especially in the centromeres ...

Cell & Microbiology Dec 9, 2021

Gene repression can be sex-specific

Researchers have shown for the first time that embryonic cells destined to become either egg or sperm rely on different methods of repressive gene regulation.

Cell & Microbiology Jul 30, 2021

Chromosome positioning during sperm differentiation described

Chromosomes occupy specific regions of the cell nucleus called chromosome territories. In somatic cells, scientists have observed that there is a correlation between this positioning and genome regulation. In fact, alterations ...

Biotechnology Jun 7, 2021

Researchers claim to have sequenced the entire human genome

A large international team of researchers is claiming to have at last sequenced the entire human genome. Collectively, the team is known as the Telomere-to-Telomere (T2T) Consortium, and they have written a paper describing ...

Biotechnology May 20, 2021

Alterations in the 3D genome structure and effects on fertility revealed

A study led by scientists at the UAB and conducted with mice models reveals how chromosomal reorganizations alter the genome's three-dimensional organization in germ cells. The study, published in Nature Communications, opens ...

Cell & Microbiology Apr 15, 2021

Epigenetic regulator HP1a: Study reveals how DNA organizes itself in the nucleus

The DNA molecule is not naked in the nucleus. Instead, it is folded in a very organized way by the help of different proteins to establish a unique spatial organization of the genetic information. This 3D spatial genome organization ...

Plants & Animals Feb 19, 2021

Cryptic sex: How female and unisexual animals reproduce without males

Not all species need sperm to fertilize an egg for sexual reproduction. Some species need sperm in order to induce completion of egg nucleus development, but then never use the sperm's DNA. I describe how this self-sexual ...

Biotechnology Jan 26, 2021

3-D creature construction: Building chromosomes from the ground up

The Genome in a Box project is the brainchild of researchers Anthony Birnie and Cees Dekker from the Dept. of Bionanoscience at the Delft University of Technology. Their stated goal is to assemble a functioning chromosome ...

Biotechnology Oct 8, 2020

Duplications and inversions of DNA segments lead to the masculinization of female moles

Moles roam in an extreme habitat. As mammals that burrow deep into the earth, they have forepaws with an extra finger and exceptionally strong muscles. What's more, female moles are intersexual while retaining their fertility. ...

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