Search results for error detection

Biotechnology Mar 4, 2019

World-first program uncovers errors in biomedical research results

Just like the wrong ingredients can spoil a cake, so too can the wrong ingredients spoil the results in biomedical research. The difference is that the latter involves years of work, financial and personal investment and ...

Biochemistry Mar 1, 2019

A highly sensitive new blood test can detect rare cancer proteins

Proteins that normally reside inside cell nuclei have never been found in the blood, until now. A new blood test developed at the Johns Hopkins University by Shih-Chin Wang and Chih-Ping Mao—graduate students in Jie Xiao's ...

Biotechnology Mar 1, 2019

Cell editors correct genetic errors

Almost all land plants employ an army of cellular editors who correct errors in their genetic information. Researchers at the University of Bonn have now transferred parts of this machinery into a bacterium. Their results ...

Quantum Physics Feb 28, 2019

Physicists use code to reduce quantum error in logic gates

Scientists at the University of Sydney have for the first time demonstrated improvement in quantum computers by using codes designed to detect and discard errors in the logic gates of such machines.

Quantum Physics Feb 28, 2019

Immunizing quantum computers against errors

Building a quantum computer requires reckoning with errors—in more than one sense. Quantum bits, or "qubits," which can take on the logical values zero and one simultaneously, and thus carry out calculations faster, are ...

Quantum Physics Feb 27, 2019

Researchers create a 'universal entangler' for new quantum tech

One of the key concepts in quantum physics is entanglement, in which two or more quantum systems become so inextricably linked that their collective state can't be determined by observing each element individually. Now Yale ...

Quantum Physics Feb 18, 2019

Implementing a practical quantum secure direct communication system

Quantum secure direct communication (QSDC) is an important branch of quantum communication, based on the principles of quantum mechanics for the direct transmission of classified information. While recent proof-of-principle ...

Environment Feb 4, 2019

Study evaluates China's progress in establishing accounting measures to reinforce its Paris pledge

The latest round of United Nations climate talks in Poland in December sought to get the world on track to meet the 2015 Paris Agreement's long-term goal of keeping global warming well below two degrees Celsius. Toward that ...

Computer Sciences Feb 1, 2019

Could artificial intelligence make life harder for hackers?

As the volume of digital information in corporate networks continues to grow, so grows the number of cyberattacks, and their cost. One cybersecurity vendor, Juniper Networks, estimates that the cost of data breaches worldwide ...

Software Feb 1, 2019

Software that can automatically detect fake news

Invented stories, distorted facts: fake news is spreading like wildfire on the internet and is often shared on without thought, particularly on social media. In response, Fraunhofer researchers have developed a system that ...

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