Search results for magnetosomes

Nanophysics Apr 17, 2018

BESSY II sheds light on how the internal compass is constructed in magnetotactic bacteria

Magnetotactic bacteria can sense the Earth's magnetic field via magnetic nanoparticles in their interior that act as an internal compass. Spanish teams and experts at Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin have now examined the magnetic ...

Nanophysics Dec 6, 2017

Go with the flow (or against it)

Queen's University researchers are using magnetic fields to influence a specific type of bacteria to swim against strong currents, opening up the potential of using the microscopic organisms for drug delivery in environments ...

Astronomy Aug 22, 2016

Iron found in fossils suggests supernova role in mass dying

Outer space touches us in so many ways. Meteors from ancient asteroid collisions and dust spalled from comets slam into our atmosphere every day, most of it unseen. Cosmic rays ionize the atoms in our upper air, while the ...

Cell & Microbiology Mar 16, 2016

A surprising makeover turns an ordinary protein into a magnetic sculptor

By studying an unusual group of magnetic microorganisms, scientists at UC Berkeley have uncovered a new and unexpected function for a ubiquitous protein family. Proteases are workhorse enzymes found in all living organisms ...

Cell & Microbiology Feb 15, 2016

Hyperthermia mediated by 'magnetotactic bacteria' could kill S. aureus

As Staphylococcus aureus becomes increasingly resistant to antibiotics, new methods of killing these pathogens are urgently needed. Now a team of investigators has demonstrated in laboratory rodents that a form of hyperthermia ...

General Physics Sep 15, 2015

New tool for studying magnetic, self-propelled bacteria that resemble compass needles

In the Marvel Comics universe, Professor Xavier and the X-Men are only able to fend off their archrival Magneto, the magnetic mutant with the ability to control metals, once they truly understand the scope of the villain's ...

Cell & Microbiology Feb 25, 2014

Scientists transfer genes required for formation of intracellular biocompass into a non-magnetic host

Magnetic bacteria navigate by means of an internal, biological compass. In a remarkable biotechnological feat, LMU scientists have succeeded in transferring the genes required for formation of the biocompass into a non-magnetic ...

General Physics Apr 25, 2013

Optical magnetic microscope for high-resolution, wide-field cell imaging

( —Nano-sized crystals of magnetic material can be found in a wide variety of organisms. Among the most studied are magnetotactic bacteria, which can orient and navigate using biosynthesized magnetosomes. These ...

Astronomy Apr 16, 2013

Remnants of supernova explosion found in ancient magnetotactic bacteria

( —Back in 2004, German scientists discovered traces of supernova ejecta that had been deposited in the deep-sea ferromanganese crust of the pacific ocean. They dated the supernova event to 2.8 million years ago ...

Cell & Microbiology Oct 16, 2012

Researcher aims to understand magnetosomes and one of nature's strangest secrets

Her studies for a doctorate at the University of Huddersfield are enabling Amy Monnington (pictured below) to make a key contribution to research that will unlock the understanding of one of the most intriguing processes ...

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