Search results for Frugal Science

Astronomy Oct 10, 2019

Milky Way raids intergalactic 'bank accounts,' Hubble study finds

Our Milky Way is a frugal galaxy. Supernovas and violent stellar winds blow gas out of the galactic disk, but that gas falls back onto the galaxy to form new generations of stars. In an ambitious effort to conduct a full ...

Materials Science Oct 8, 2019

High thermoelectric performance in low-cost SnS0.91Se0.09 crystals

Thermoelectric materials technology can convert between heat and electricity within a materials construct, but many existing materials contain rare or toxic elements. In a new study on Science, Wenke He and colleagues reported ...

Optics & Photonics Sep 3, 2019

Turning a handheld smartphone into a fluorescence microscope

Researchers in the U.S. and China have developed a method to transform a smartphone into a fluorescence microscope. The handheld smartphone-fluorescence microscope (HSFM) device allows complex biomedical analyses both rapidly ...

Bio & Medicine Jun 14, 2019

Raising fluid walls around living cells

Cell culture plates that are in everyday use in biology can be effectively transformed into microfluidic devices, opening paths for biologists to miniaturize cell-based workflows. In a recent report, Ph.D. researcher Cristian ...

Molecular & Computational biology May 22, 2019

Ancient toy inspires tool for state-of-the-art science

A 5,000-year-old toy still enjoyed by kids today has inspired an inexpensive, hand-powered scientific tool that could not only impact how field biologists conduct their research but also allow high-school students and others ...

Ecology May 16, 2019

New research finds cane toads use poison as a last resort

Cane toads are exhausted by releasing their deadly toxin and will go to great lengths not to release it. They far prefer to run or freeze when a predator approaches.

Materials Science Apr 29, 2019

Engineering ECM-like fibers with bioactive silk for 3-D cell culture

Biological tissues are built when cells anchor to specific sites on a 3-D microfiber network in an extracellular matrix (ECM). Scientists are keen to recreate biological tissues in the lab using bioinspired tissue engineering ...

Bio & Medicine Apr 11, 2019

Therapeutics-on-a-chip (TOC): Manufacturing synthetic proteins for point-of-care therapeutics

Therapeutic proteins are protein-based drug candidates bioengineered in the lab for pharmaceutical and clinical applications. Based on their pharmacokinetics, the candidates can be divided into groups that (1) replace a defective ...

Environment Apr 8, 2019

Why Alberta would be foolish to abandon carbon policy

Alberta's New Democratic Party government has had an aggressive carbon policy that's been central to its term in office. The carbon policy was meant to be a bookend to getting a pipeline built to tidewater so Alberta oil ...

Bio & Medicine Mar 26, 2019

Cellular microRNA detection with miRacles

MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are short noncoding regulatory RNAs that can repress gene expression post-transcriptionally and are therefore increasingly used as biomarkers of disease. Detecting miRNAs can be arduous and expensive as ...

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