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Search results for Microbiology

Cell & Microbiology Jul 18, 2023

Dual wavelengths of light shown to be effective against antibiotic-resistant bacterium

Scientists have combined two light wavelengths to deactivate a bacterium that is invulnerable to some of the world's most widely used antibiotics, giving hope that the regime could be adapted as a potential disinfectant treatment.

Cell & Microbiology Jul 17, 2023

New algorithm for quicker detection of antibiotic resistances

A team of researchers led by microbiologist Professor Dr. Axel Hamprecht of the University Medicine Oldenburg has developed a new method that enables quicker detection of a frequently overlooked antibiotic resistance. The ...

Plants & Animals Jul 10, 2023

Researchers explain how mushrooms can live for hundreds of years without getting cancer

The risk of cancer increases with every cell division. As such, you would expect long-lived species like elephants to get cancer more often than short-lived species like mice. In 1975, however, Richard Peto discovered that ...

Cell & Microbiology Jul 10, 2023

Scientists enrich nitric oxide-reducing microbes in bioreactor

Nitric oxide (NO) is a fascinating and versatile molecule, important for all living things as well as the environment. It is highly reactive and toxic, organisms use it as a signaling molecule, it depletes the ozone layer ...

Cell & Microbiology Jul 7, 2023

Deciphering the association between uterine microbiota and fertility in dairy cows

Reduced fertility prolongs the interval from calving to conception in dairy cows, resulting in significant economic losses to dairy farms. Up to 25% of cows are culled due to reproductive failure, and this accounts for a ...

Cell & Microbiology Jun 28, 2023

Prepared for war: How cells survive viral invasion

"Let him who desires peace, prepare for war," wrote the Roman author Vegetius in the 4th century CE. Our bodies, it seems, live by this dictum: Even in times of peace, some cells express high levels of defensive, antiviral ...

Cell & Microbiology Jun 28, 2023

Molecular signals key to malaria parasite's development, shows study

A key developmental step in the life cycle of the most virulent species of malaria parasite depends in part on a series of molecular signals, detailed in a new study led by researchers at Weill Cornell Medicine. The findings ...

Cell & Microbiology Jun 27, 2023

How Streptomyces bacteria produce signaling molecules, a mechanism of microbial communication in soil

Bacteria of the genus Streptomyces produce chemical substances called arginoketides, to which many other microorganisms react. Bacteria form biofilms, algae join together to form aggregates, and fungi produce signaling substances ...

Cell & Microbiology Jun 27, 2023

Researcher discusses gaining insight into the potential of cannabis in combating viral infections

A recent review, published in the Journal of Applied Microbiology, examines laboratory-based studies that highlight the antiviral properties of cannabis in countering the effects of viral infections such as the severe acute ...

Cell & Microbiology Jun 27, 2023

D-amino acids play a role in stress-induced response in cholera bacterium

Cholera bacteria use specific D-amino acids to escape unfavorable niches and form complex ecological systems. This is shown by a study led by a research group at UmeƄ University, Sweden. The discovery may eventually have ...

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