Search results for terminal velocity

Astronomy Jul 6, 2022

Why does inside of solar system not spin faster? Old mystery has possible new solution

The motion of a tiny number of charged particles may solve a longstanding mystery about thin gas disks rotating around young stars, according to a new study from Caltech.

Optics & Photonics Apr 29, 2022

Light-infused particles go the distance in organic semiconductors

Polaritons offer the best of two very different worlds. These hybrid particles combine light and molecules of organic material, making them ideal vessels for energy transfer in organic semiconductors. They are compatible ...

Optics & Photonics Mar 21, 2022

Confocal laser speckle autocorrelation imaging of dynamic flow in microvasculature

In a new publication from Opto-Electronic Advances, researchers from the National University of Singapore, Singapore, discuss confocal laser speckle autocorrelation imaging of dynamic flow in microvasculature.

Space Exploration Mar 4, 2022

Last-minute defense against an asteroid that could obliterate it before impact

Gazing at the night sky can evoke a sense of wonder regarding humanity's place in the universe. But that's not all it can evoke. If you're knowledgeable about asteroid strikes like the one that wiped out the dinosaurs, then ...

Space Exploration Feb 28, 2022

NASA selects futuristic space technology concepts for early study

An astronaut steps into a body scanner and, hours later, walks on Mars in a custom-made spacesuit, breathing oxygen that was extracted from Mars' carbon dioxide-rich atmosphere. On Venus, an inflatable bird-like drone swoops ...

Environment Feb 7, 2022

Even tiny atmospheric particles change the rainfall regime in the Amazon

Even the finest particles of pollution influence the process of cloud formation and the rainfall regime. A study conducted in Manaus, the capital of Amazonas state in Brazil's North region, shows that oxidation leads small ...

Nanophysics Feb 2, 2022

A device based on 3D transistor arrays for collecting intra and inter-cellular recordings

Animal cells can use elements or ions to generate electrical impulses. These impulses are then conveyed from one cell to another, traveling across cellular networks.

Cell & Microbiology Feb 1, 2022

New computational tool predicts cell fates and genetic perturbations

Imagine a ball thrown in the air: it curves up, then down, tracing an arc to a point on the ground some distance away. The path of the ball can be described with a simple mathematical equation, and if you know the equation, ...

Space Exploration Nov 19, 2021

When debris disaster strikes

In 2021 so far, some 2467 new objects large enough to be tracked have been added to world catalogs of orbital objects, out of which 1493 are new satellites and the rest are debris. While new objects are added, others are ...

Plasma Physics Nov 8, 2021

Passive-aggressive: New coil stands ready to tame runaway electrons

In the race toward practical fusion energy, tokamaks (donut-shaped plasma devices) are the leading concept—they have achieved better confinement and higher plasma temperatures than any other configuration. Two major magnetic ...

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