Search results for time reversal symmetry

Quantum Physics May 28, 2018

Physicists invent flux capacitor, break time-reversal symmetry

In the popular movie franchise "Back to the Future", an eccentric scientist creates a time machine that runs on a flux capacitor.

General Physics May 25, 2018

Emerging magnetism on vibrating non-magnetic layers

A team of researchers, affiliated with South Korea's Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (UNIST) has demonstrated the possibility to induce and control a magnetic response in a nonmagnetic layer material though ...

Nanomaterials May 3, 2018

Morphing twisted nanoscale objects to tailor applications in future technologies

For the first time scientists have created a way to model the interaction between light and twisted molecules, as these molecules transition from left- to right-handed versions, or vice versa. The transitional forms offer ...

Quantum Physics Mar 14, 2018

Physicists quantum simulate topological materials with ultracold atoms

Symmetry plays a fundamental role in understanding complex quantum matter, particularly in classifying topological quantum phases, which have attracted great interests in the recent decade. An outstanding example is the time-reversal ...

Materials Science Feb 20, 2018

Neutrons reveal the wild Weyl world of semimetals

The observation of an abnormal state of matter in a two-dimensional magnetic material is the latest development in the race to harness novel electronic properties for more robust and efficient next-generation devices.

Optics & Photonics Feb 8, 2018

Breakthrough in controlling light transmission

Operation of modern-day technology requires an ever-increasing use of broadband frequency signals. This, in turn, has grown the demand for reliable, efficient methods of signal transmission that prevent interference and are ...

Optics & Photonics Jan 31, 2018

Speed of light drops to zero at 'exceptional points'

Light, which travels at a speed of 300,000 km/sec in a vacuum, can be slowed down and even stopped completely by methods that involve trapping the light inside crystals or ultracold clouds of atoms. Now in a new study, researchers ...

Mathematics Jan 29, 2018

Method to visualize hidden statistical structures in environmental data

Prediction of climate and weather relies on statistical models that can capture variability at one location over time as well as the relationship with other geographical locations. Sometimes future conditions at one location ...

Optics & Photonics Jan 22, 2018

Researchers use sound waves to advance optical communication

Illinois researchers have demonstrated that sound waves can be used to produce ultraminiature optical diodes that are tiny enough to fit onto a computer chip. These devices, called optical isolators, may help solve major ...

General Physics Nov 7, 2017

A new concept for a unidirectional waveguide

In the past decade, a new type of material has attracted raising attraction: the so-called topological insulator. This class of materials exhibits a very peculiar property: they behave like insulators in the interior, but ...

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