Search results for time reversal symmetry

Materials Science Aug 30, 2018

Using uranium to create order from disorder

ANSTO's unique landmark infrastructure has been used to study uranium, the keystone to the nuclear fuel cycle. The advanced instruments at the Australian Synchrotron and the Australian Centre for Neutron Scattering have ...

Soft Matter Aug 28, 2018

Can microswimmers swim through gel?

Researchers from Tokyo Metropolitan University have studied how microswimmers, like bacteria or sperm, swim through fluids with both solid and liquid-like properties, e.g., gels. They found that subtle changes in a swimmer's ...

General Physics Aug 24, 2018

Uncovering atomic movements in crystal

Scientists can spend a long time in heated debates over tiny details – for example, how and whether atoms in a crystal move when heated, thereby altering the symmetry. Using computer simulations for the mineral lead telluride ...

General Physics Aug 23, 2018

Perfect inversion of complex structures

Perfectly inverting complex structures is of great technical importance. Researchers at ETH have now succeeded in turning the magnetic and electric structure of materials into their opposites using a single magnetic field ...

Quantum Physics Aug 9, 2018

Novel approach to coherent control of a three-level quantum system

For the first time, researchers were able to study quantum interference in a three-level quantum system and thereby control the behavior of individual electron spins. To this end, they used a novel nanostructure in which ...

General Physics Aug 6, 2018

The marriage of topology and magnetism in a Weyl system

Topology is a global aspect of materials, leading to fundamental new properties for compounds with large relativistic effects. The incorporation of heavy elements gives rise to non-trivial topological phases of matter, such ...

Quantum Physics Jul 23, 2018

Current noises of Majorana fermions

Majorana fermions are particles that are their own antiparticles. In condensed matter physics, zero-energy Majorana fermions obey non-abelian statistics, and can be used in fault-tolerant topological quantum computation. ...

General Physics Jul 20, 2018

A physics treasure hidden in a wallpaper pattern

An international team of scientists has discovered a new, exotic form of insulating material with a metallic surface that could enable more efficient electronics or even quantum computing. The researchers developed a new ...

General Physics Jun 18, 2018

Physicists probing ever deeper into the stuff of the universe

University of Virginia physicists have recently played key roles in new particle physics discoveries. The scientists are involved with large international collaborations using major facilities designed for expanding our knowledge ...

Materials Science May 30, 2018

Two-way symmetry in molecular physics

Until he completed his doctorate in chemical physics in 2012, Fábri had spent his entire life in his native Hungary. He studied at one of the country's most prestigious universities, Eötvös Loránd University, and developed ...

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