Search results for histological studies

Biotechnology Nov 29, 2017

Aberrant hyphae triggered by host immune responses to plant pathogenic fungus

Ascochyta (Mycosphaerella) pea blight, caused by Mycosphaerella pinodes, is one of the most important diseases of grain legumes worldwide. Despite the economic impact and numerous studies on this disease, little is known ...

Cell & Microbiology Nov 16, 2017

Microbial resident enables beetles to feed on a leafy diet

An international team including researchers from the Max Planck Institute for Chemical Ecology has described a bacterium residing in a species of leaf beetles which has an unexpected feature: it provides the beetle with the ...

Materials Science Sep 13, 2017

Reducing leather pollution with molten salts

From handbags and jackets to car interiors, leather products are almost everywhere. But processing the leather for these luxury items creates a lot of potentially harmful pollution. Now, one group reports in ACS Sustainable ...

Archaeology Aug 24, 2017

The secret life of dodos, revealed

Has any animal suffered greater ignominy than the ill-fated dodo?

Plants & Animals Aug 4, 2017

Skin-ditching gecko inexplicably leaves body armor behind when threatened

When trouble looms, the fish-scale geckos of Madagascar resort to what might seem like an extreme form of self-defense—tearing out of their own skin.

Cell & Microbiology Aug 2, 2017

Marriage of microscopy techniques reveals 3-D structure of critical protein complex

Researchers at the Stowers Institute for Medical Research have solved the three-dimensional structure of a complex that is essential for the correct sorting of chromosomes into eggs and sperm during reproductive cell division ...

Plants & Animals Jul 26, 2017

Measuring an animal's pain

A new device designed by engineers and veterinarians at Massey University seeks to change the way we understand animal pain, starting with sheep.

Bio & Medicine Jul 5, 2017

Your brain on mesh: Injectable flexible probe melds with neurons, causes little or no chronic immune response

(—Neuroprostheses, neural probes and other intraneural tissue implants have offered remarkable benefits to recipients in a number of areas in neuroscience research and biomedical applications, therapeutic examples ...

Cell & Microbiology Jun 16, 2017

Viral vectors travel longer distances than previously thought

Gene transfer is seen as a hopeful therapy for Alzheimer's and Parkinson's patients. The approach involves using harmless laboratory-produced viruses to introduce important genes into the brain cells. In a study on mice, ...

Archaeology May 18, 2017

Warm-bloodedness possibly much older than previously thought

Warm-bloodedness in land animals could have evolved much earlier than previously thought. This is shown by a recent study at the University of Bonn, which has now been published in the journal Comptes Rendus Palevol.

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