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Plants & Animals 7 minutes ago

Why scientists are concerned about the effects of non-native horses and burros on natural ecosystems

Worldwide, introduced non-native herbivores have the potential to threaten native ecosystems. For example, in western North America, uncontrolled numbers of feral horses and burros are threatening natural habitats and the ...

Cell & Microbiology 11 hours ago

Discovery of vast sex differences in cellular activity has major implications for disease treatment

"We discovered a pronounced 'men are from Mars, women are from Venus' pattern," says marine and environmental biologist Suzanne Edmands.

Plants & Animals 13 hours ago

The fascinating sex lives of insects

Some insects have detachable penises, others produce sperm that is 20 times the size of their own body. Others have evolved with special equipment to help them tear rivals off potential mates. Insects can be creepy, promiscuous ...

Veterinary medicine 13 hours ago

When people are under economic stress, their pets suffer too—we found parts of Detroit that are animal welfare deserts

Nearly two-thirds of U.S. households have at least one pet. More than ever before, companion animals are a part of life—particularly in cities, where the majority of Americans live.

Ecology 14 hours ago

South Sudan says its 6M antelope make up world's largest land mammal migration, but poaching on rise

Seen from the air, they ripple across the landscape—a river of antelope racing across the vast grasslands of South Sudan in what conservationists say is the world's largest land mammal migration.

Biotechnology 14 hours ago

Boosting 'natural killer' cell activity could improve cancer therapy

Yale researchers have uncovered a way to make a type of white blood cells known as natural killer cells—which kill infected, damaged, or malignant cells in the body—more effective against cancer. The approach, they say, ...

Earth Sciences 14 hours ago

How quickly does groundwater recharge? The answer is found deep underground

You would have learned about the "water cycle" in primary school—water's journey, from evaporation to rainfall to flowing in a stream or sinking into the ground to become groundwater.

Environment 14 hours ago

PFAS 'forever' chemical laws need an overhaul—recent court rulings highlight the loopholes

As awareness of toxic, synthetic chemical pollution from per- and polyfluorinated substances (PFAS) increases, more legal settlements in billion dollar amounts are being made between chemical companies and public water suppliers, ...

Other 14 hours ago

A model of Collaborative Ethics to guide translational research from fundamental discoveries to real-world applications

In sciences, disruptive research that is breaking new ground often raises new and not-yet-explored ethical questions. Although new scientific breakthroughs can have the power to change how we understand and live in the world, ...

Plants & Animals 16 hours ago

Bats use four key tactics for accurate target tracking

The ability of "target tracking," i.e., keeping a target object in sight, is essential for various activities and has improved in animals and machines through the evolution of life and technology, respectively. Because most ...

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