Search results for animation

Molecular & Computational biology 17 hours ago

Study identifies gene targets to combat cognitive decline

Researchers have identified the possible mechanisms by which long-lived mutants of the model system Caenorhabditis elegans are able to maintain learning and memory later in life while some experience cognitive decline.

Cell & Microbiology 18 hours ago

Patented probiotic spray method improves hatchability, health of chicks

Mary Anne Amalaradjou, associate professor of animal science in the College of Agriculture, Health and Natural Resources, has found that using a probiotic spray on eggs improves the number and quality of chicks that successfully ...

Ecology 18 hours ago

Bacteria found to produce proteins that act like antifreeze, helping marine worms survive in polar waters

A team of marine biologists affiliated with multiple institutions in Italy has found that some marine worms are able to survive in cold polar waters thanks to symbiotic bacteria that produce antifreeze-like proteins.

Nanophysics 19 hours ago

Researchers use gold membrane to coax secrets out of surfaces

Using a special wafer-thin gold membrane, ETH researchers have made it significantly easier to study surfaces. The membrane makes it possible to measure properties of surfaces that are inaccessible to conventional methods.

Ecology 21 hours ago

Amid increasing mountain lion sightings, California county turns to Facebook to share info

Authorities—concerned about an increasing number of mountain lion encounters including one earlier this year that killed a man and severely injured his brother—are asking residents of one California county to turn to ...

Optics & Photonics 21 hours ago

New paradigm in photothermal therapy: Researchers develop ultrasound-assisted photothermal therapy technology

Professor Jin-ho Chang's research team from the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at DGIST has developed "Ultrasound-assisted photothermal therapy (ULTRA-PTT)" technology that significantly enhances ...

Veterinary medicine 21 hours ago

Animals with disabilities get a little help from engineering design students

A braille-inscribed video game controller for a blind student. A splint for a cat or dog with an injured leg. An acorn that can be filled with seeds for a bird to reach with a broken beak.

Plants & Animals 21 hours ago

Wildlife mystery: Why are gray whales swimming into San Francisco Bay in increasing numbers?

Gray whales have been veering off their normal routes along the West Coast and swimming under the Golden Gate Bridge into San Francisco Bay in unprecedented numbers.

Plants & Animals 22 hours ago

Australia's giant lizards help save sheep from being eaten alive

Giant lizards called heath goannas could save Australian sheep farmers millions of dollars a year by keeping blowfly numbers down—and must be prioritized in conservation schemes to boost native wildlife, say researchers.

Ecology 22 hours ago

'Urgent' for Australia to protect Great Barrier Reef: UNESCO

Australia must take "urgent" action to protect the Great Barrier Reef, including setting more ambitious climate targets, the UN's cultural organization has warned.

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