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Search results for superconductivity

Condensed Matter Jul 12, 2024

Exploring three-dimensional quantum Griffiths singularity in bulk unconventional iron-based superconductors

Exploration of exotic quantum phase transitions has always been a focus in condensed matter physics. Critical phenomena in a phase transition are entirely determined by the universality class, which is controlled by the spatial ...

General Physics Jul 11, 2024

Oxygen tweaking may be key to accelerator optimization

Particle accelerators are pricey, but their cost comes with good reason: These one-of-a-kind, state-of-the-art machines are intricately designed and constructed to help us solve mysteries about what makes up our universe. ...

Superconductivity Jul 11, 2024

New experiment investigates light-induced Meissner effect in optically driven superconductor

Superconductivity is a fascinating phenomenon, which allows a material to sustain an electrical current without any loss. This collective quantum behavior of matter only appears in certain conductors at temperatures far below ...

Superconductivity Jul 11, 2024

Understanding the origin of superconductivity in high-temperature copper oxide superconductors

Superconductors are materials that can conduct electricity with zero resistance when cooled to a certain temperature, called the critical temperature. They have applications in many fields, including power grids, maglev trains, ...

Condensed Matter Jul 10, 2024

New multimode coupler design advances scalable quantum computing

Implementing a fault-tolerant quantum processor requires coupling qubits to generate entanglement. Superconducting qubits are a promising platform for quantum information processing, but scaling up to a full-scale quantum ...

Superconductivity Jul 10, 2024

Fermionic Hubbard quantum simulator observes antiferromagnetic phase transition

In a study published in Nature, a research team has, for the first time, observed the antiferromagnetic phase transition within a large-scale quantum simulator of the fermionic Hubbard model (FHM).

Superconductivity Jul 10, 2024

Physicists move one step closer to topological quantum computing

A team of experimental physicists led by the University of Cologne have shown that it is possible to create superconducting effects in special materials known for their unique edge-only electrical properties. This discovery ...

Condensed Matter Jul 10, 2024

Visualizing the boundary modes of the charge density wave in a topological material

Charge density waves are quantum phenomena occurring in some materials, which involve a static modulation of conduction electrons and the periodic distortion of the lattice. These waves have been observed in numerous condensed ...

Analytical Chemistry Jul 8, 2024

Unlocking the potential of anti-perovskites through a convenient one-step synthesis route

Although perovskites have attracted a lot of attention lately, anti-perovskites hold just as much potential as functional materials. Bearing a similar crystal structure to perovskites but with an inverted electrical configuration, ...

Quantum Physics Jul 8, 2024

A new approach to realize quantum mechanical squeezing

Mechanical systems are highly suitable for realizing applications such as quantum information processing, quantum sensing and bosonic quantum simulation. The effective use of these systems for these applications, however, ...

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