Search results for elastic collision

Analytical Chemistry May 31, 2024

A new way of designing auxetic materials

Imagine pulling on the long ends of a rectangular piece of rubber. It should become narrower and thinner. But what if it instead became wider and fatter? Now, push in on those same ends. What if the rubber became narrower ...

Quantum Physics May 13, 2024

Researchers achieve first condensation of non-ground state cesium atoms

In a pioneering effort, researchers from the University of Innsbruck in collaboration with the University of Durham have for the first time achieved Bose-Einstein condensation of non-ground state cesium atoms. Published in ...

General Physics Mar 21, 2024

Team proposes using AI to reconstruct particle paths leading to new physics

Particles colliding in accelerators produce numerous cascades of secondary particles. The electronics processing the signals avalanching in from the detectors then have a fraction of a second in which to assess whether an ...

Space Exploration Mar 4, 2024

New study addresses how lunar missions will kick up moondust

Before the end of this decade, NASA plans to return astronauts to the moon for the first time since the Apollo Era. But this time, through the Artemis Program, it won't be a "footprints and flags" affair.

Optics & Photonics Jan 11, 2024

Review covers optical aspects of quantitative photoacoustic tomography

Quantitative photoacoustic tomography (QPAT) is a medical imaging technique that combines laser-induced photoacoustic signals and ultrasound detection to create detailed three-dimensional images of biological tissues. The ...

Earth Sciences Sep 14, 2023

Why the Earth quakes: A closer look at what's going on under the ground

Earthquakes, large and small, happen every single day along zones that wrap around the world like seams on a baseball. Most don't bother anybody, so they don't make the news. But every now and then a catastrophic earthquake ...

Superconductivity Aug 31, 2023

Comparing 'sister' compounds may hold key to quantum puzzle in superconducting materials

For years, physicists have been trying to explain a quantum phenomenon that occurs in a large class of superconducting materials: Electrons in so-called "strange metals" scatter at high rates in ways affected by temperature. ...

Astronomy Jul 28, 2023

New analysis of SuperCDMS data sets tighter detection limits for dark matter

For nearly a century, dark matter has continued to evade direct detection, pushing scientists to come up with even more creative methods of searching. Increasingly sensitive detection experiments are a major undertaking, ...

General Physics Jul 10, 2023

Quantum proton billiards: ATLAS experiment reports fundamental properties of strong interactions

The quantum nature of interactions between elementary particles allows drawing non-trivial conclusions even from processes as simple as elastic scattering. The ATLAS experiment at the LHC accelerator reports the measurement ...

General Physics Jun 14, 2023

Physicists make new predictions about the collision of heavy ions at very high relativistic energies

When two heavy ions collide at very high relativistic energies, they penetrate one another, during which they become excited and are slowed down. This "stopping" process can be generated experimentally, as demonstrated on ...

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