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Adolescents today are more satisfied with being single

Young people aged 14 to 20 years are more satisfied nowadays with being single than their counterparts ten years ago. This is the conclusion of a study undertaken by the Institute of Psychology at Johannes Gutenberg University ...

How can we get dads to work less and do more around the house?

Would more dads work fewer hours if other dads decided to do the same? Would paid parental leave prompt them to do more around the house? How do social norms affect inequalities within the labor market? Researcher Dr. Max ...

Informal care is difficult to combine with work

Informal care has a huge impact on your working life. Informal caregivers earn less per hour and are less satisfied with their job. This is the conclusion reached by sociologist Klara Raiber, who will defend her Ph.D. dissertation ...

Mindfulness, monasticism, and women in Thai Buddhism

Katherine Scahill, a Ph.D. candidate in the Department of Music, has always been interested in the overlap of music and mindfulness. She grew up playing the violin, and, as an undergraduate at Wesleyan University, first began ...

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Growing rural-urban divide exists only among white Americans
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The joy of inflicting pain leads to increased prosocial behavior, study finds
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Festivals can be a powerful force for sustainable lifestyle changes, new research shows
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Lifesaving and life-changing: The kindness shown to forced migrants during their journeys
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Behavioral and computational study shows that social preferences can be inferred from decision speed alone
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Family conditions may have more of an impact on upward social mobility than gender inequality
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Lynn Conway was a trans woman in tech—and underappreciated for decades after she helped launch the computing revolution
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Most Ukrainians displaced by the war plan to return home when it is safe, research shows
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Behavioral economics theory explains a popular banana-clicking video game
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Exploring the relationship between civilians and military organizations through an experiment in Japan
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Only 1 in 3 people enjoy talking about politics—researchers say the reasons are more social than political
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Is social media fueling political polarization?
Study finds cooperation can still evolve even with limited payoff memory
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Many sports are tightening transgender policies. Can inclusion co-exist with fairness, physical safety and integrity?
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Study shows biases undermine diversity efforts in policing
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Want to avoid Europe's tourist hordes? Try getting off the beaten track
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'Risks of nuclear terrorism are high and growing.' New tools, alliances, renewed focus needed, experts say
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Researcher: Improving gender equality will help end violence against women, but it's only part of the puzzle
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Study suggests at-camera gaze can increase scores in simulated interviews
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Study: Support for Black nationalism now more widespread as profile of Black nationalist has changed across time

Other news

Planetary Sciences
New warm sub-Neptune exoplanet discovered with TESS
National park wild boar contain five-times more toxic PFAS than humans allowed to eat, study finds
Researchers improve measurement of gene expression in single cells
New global study unveils city-region networks, highlights role of intermediate cities
Plants & Animals
The plants bees need to maintain a healthy diet have been revealed
Iceland's volcano eruptions may last decades, researchers find
Quantum Physics
Foregoing quantum chaos to achieve high-fidelity quantum state transfer
Researchers develop high-performance anion exchange membranes for sustainability applications
Earth Sciences
Modeling software reveals patterns in continuous seismic waveforms during series of stick-slip, magnitude-5 earthquakes
Condensed Matter
Researchers discover new flat electronic bands, paving way for advanced quantum materials
Cell & Microbiology
Discovery of vast sex differences in cellular activity has major implications for disease treatment
Half of world's lakes are less resilient to disturbance than they used to be
1,500-year-old reliquary discovered
Materials Science
Not all calcite crystals perfect; synthesis methods can alter internal structure, affect chemical reactivity
In a world-first, researchers map a 4,200 km transatlantic flight of the painted lady butterfly
Earth Sciences
Sediments reveal the ancient ocean during a mass extinction event
AI predicts upper secondary education dropout as early as the end of primary school
Cell & Microbiology
Multidrug-resistant fungi found in commercial soil, compost, flower bulbs
Boosting 'natural killer' cell activity could improve cancer therapy
Molecular & Computational biology
Study reveals how one enzyme hitches a ride on another to recognize tRNA