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Study assesses 'the dancer personality'

"Tell me if you dance and I will tell you who you are!" A study led by researchers at the Max Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics (MPIEA) in Frankfurt am Main, Germany, has shown that both amateur and professional dancers ...

Research suggests AI could help teach ethics

Artificial intelligence brings with it a host of ethical questions. A researcher at The University of Alabama explored whether AI can be harnessed to teach students how to navigate those very questions, among others.

Unraveling the gendered undertones of narcissism

The researchers found that the trait manifests itself in vulnerable and subtle ways in women, which deviates from stereotypical manifestations of (male) narcissism that are typically expressed in grandiose and overt ways.

The 17th-century origins of a modern finance tool

In the early 1600s, the officials running Durham Cathedral, in England, had serious financial problems. Soaring prices had raised expenses. Most cathedral income came from renting land to tenant farmers, who had long leases ...

More news

Social Sciences
Study shows banning false information traffickers online can improve public discourse
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Study finds US Islamist extremist co-offenders form close-knit groups driven by mutual contacts, homophily effects
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Mind the gap: Italian moms with 3+ kids work far fewer years than dads, while Finland shows equality
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Can vague go viral for Gen Y?
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15 years on, researchers assess the impact and lessons Japan's rural movement initiative offers
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Still riding LA's metro after the pandemic? You probably think it's safer than those who don't anymore
People underestimate the probability of including at least one minority member in a group, research suggests
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Sexual minorities experience more exclusion in everyday situations, finds study
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Study shows justice facility dogs benefit well-being for children facing court
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Diverse friend groups promote better social cohesion and well-being, study finds
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Programs to prevent sexual violence show no evidence of curbing assaults, analysis finds
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Experts say use of political memes are a predictor of political violence
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'Fuzzy' maps offer insight into local perceptions of the value of volunteering
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Local food systems need to prioritize job quality alongside ethical food production, says researcher
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Differences in education, values between men and women cause mismatches when seeking a partner, finds Spanish study
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Messages can trigger the opposite of their desired effect—but you can avoid communication that backfires
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Trying to save money? Research suggests paying in cash—while you still can
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Others' words, not firsthand experience, shape scientific and religious belief formation, study finds
How can we make good decisions by observing others? A videogame and computational model have the answer
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Do we have more empathy for people who are similar to us? New research suggests it's not that simple

Other news

Space Exploration
Virgin Galactic completes final spaceflight before two-year pause
Earth Sciences
Study finds fresh water and key conditions for life appeared on Earth a half-billion years earlier than thought
Quantum Physics
Nonreciprocal quantum batteries exhibit remarkable capacities and efficiency
Saturday Citations: Praising dogs; the evolution of brown fat; how SSRIs relieve depression. Plus: Boeing's Starliner
Materials Science
New method optimizes lithium extraction from seawater and groundwater
Researcher suggests that gravity can exist without mass, mitigating the need for hypothetical dark matter
Plants & Animals
Rare 7-foot fish washed ashore on Oregon's coast garners worldwide attention
Earth Sciences
Cascadia Subduction Zone, one of Earth's top hazards, comes into sharper focus
Research team uses CRISPR/Cas9 to alter photosynthesis for the first time
Quantum Physics
Quantum chemistry and simulation help characterize coordination complex of elusive element 61
New research finds lake under Mars ice cap unlikely
California wildfire pollution killed 52,000 in a decade: study
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Cutting-edge mathematics provides new tool for particle collision puzzle
Plants & Animals
A protein that enables smell in ants—and stops cell death
Paleontology & Fossils
First ever report of two ancient ape species cohabiting in Miocene Europe 11 million years ago
Scientists create world's strongest iron-based superconducting magnet using AI
Quantum Physics
Mapping noise to improve quantum measurements
Planetary Sciences
Researchers discover Earth and space share the same turbulence
Optics & Photonics
Perturbations simplify the study of 'super photons'
General Physics
QUIET: A place to study qubits shielded from the effects of cosmic rays

Study finds racial bias in traffic stops by Chicago police

Black drivers in Chicago are significantly more likely than white drivers to be stopped by police regardless of where the drivers live or are going, according to a new study led by a Cornell city planning expert that maps ...