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Voting as a social determinant of health

Approximately 244 million Americans will have the opportunity to vote in the 2024 elections. In the 2020 election, an unprecedented 67 percent of those eligible turned out to vote. If turnout reaches that level again, it ...

How strategic litigation for asylum seekers can be effective

The rights of asylum seekers are under pressure. Nevertheless, politically this group has very little to gain. We can, therefore, expect a further rise in strategic litigation, a tactic that interest groups are increasingly ...

Study suggests gun-free zones do not attract mass shootings

Gun-free zones have often been blamed for making schools, malls and other public areas more attractive to shooters; however, there have been no quantitative studies examining those claims. Now, in a first of its kind study ...

Ukraine recap: Drone warfare brings new phase to battlefront

Like many people, I first encountered drones when they looked like toys, something fun to play with and be entertained by. Not long afterward, I was waiting for a boat on my commute to work, and a drone hovered overhead, ...

From harmony to civil war: When language turns deadly

For years, Jaroslav Tir has been pondering a perplexing mystery: Why do some countries where a multi-ethnic populace once lived together in harmony devolve into civil war, slaughter and ethnic cleansing?

Spot AI images this election: Fact vs. fiction tips

On Aug. 18, former president and current presidential candidate Donald Trump posted an unusual endorsement to his social media account on Truth Social. Amid a series of photos, he included an image of pop megastar Taylor ...

Researcher studies how violent policies spread among governments

Complexity Postdoctoral Fellow Kerice Doten-Snitker studies how government-sanctioned violence in medieval Germany diffused from one community to another. More specifically, she wants to know what sometimes prevented the ...

More news

Economics & Business
Study links gentrification to reduced crime, but downsides of gentrification can't be ignored
Political science
Public opinion of new justices affects views on entire Supreme Court
Political science
Easing bail policy does not lead to increased crime, report finds
Political science
Why Americans do political speeches so well (and debates so badly)
Economics & Business
Labor or leisure? Why a universal basic income might foster well-being but not productivity
Political science
Talk isn't enough: Pacific nations say Australia must end new fossil fuel projects
Social Sciences
LGBTQI+ Australians are tired of being ignored—here's why counting them in the census is so important
Social Sciences
Study finds people are consistently and confidently wrong about those with opposing views
Social Sciences
Gaps in firearms relinquishment laws may weaken court orders, increase illegal gun possession
Economics & Business
Environmental policy in Brazil leads to less violence, researchers find
Social Sciences
Red flag laws may reduce the growing burden of firearm homicides
Political science
Reports reveal untapped potential for mobilizing voters of color in battleground states
Political science
Geographic differences in US homicide rates have decreased since the 1970s, study finds
Social Sciences
While some cities clear homeless encampments, others are granting a 'right to shelter'
Social Sciences
Q&A: Rwanda is creating shiny, modern cities after the genocide—but this won't help communities heal from the past
Social Sciences
Should misogyny be treated as a form of extremism?
Economics & Business
Global population growth is now slowing rapidly: Will a falling population be better for the environment?
Political science
A world mired in conflict calls for international tribunals that play multiple roles
Social Sciences
In domestic violence cases, police are more likely to make arrests when pets are abused too
Economics & Business
For metro governments, bigger may not be economically better

Other news

Plants & Animals
Birds are shifting more in time than space as they adjust to global warming, shows study
Webb reveals distorted galaxy forming cosmic question mark
Plants & Animals
Experiment shows dogs are able to remember toy names for up to two years
Molecular & Computational biology
Scientists discover stable intermediate of serotonin receptor
Novel software tool enables quality control independent of omics molecular types and can be used on multiple platforms
Paleontology & Fossils
A tiny relative of the Triceratops: International team discovers a new horned dinosaur
Levels of one 'forever chemical' are increasing in groundwater, study finds
General Physics
Major leap for nuclear clock paves way for ultraprecise timekeeping
Molecular & Computational biology
Scientists use AI to unlock protein structures of hundreds of viruses for the first time
Cell & Microbiology
Scientists uncover diverse marine microbes with potential for new antibiotics and plastic breakdown
Uncollected waste and open burning major sources of plastic pollution, global study finds
Experimental evolution study shows how microbial cooperation can emerge
Cell & Microbiology
Staph's Achilles' heel may hinge on its choice of food
Cell & Microbiology
Computer model boosts detection of cell-to-cell communication
Quantum Physics
Quantum error correction research reveals fundamental insights into quantum systems
Plasma Physics
Measuring the gamma-ray-to-neutron branching ratio in the deuterium-tritium reaction
New population model identifies phases of human dispersal across Europe
Astronomers investigate the nature of a bright low-mass X-ray binary system
Bio & Medicine
Team identifies a 'forcefield-like' defense system in solid tumors and the genetic elements that can switch it off
Earth Sciences
Study reveals shifting influence of El Niño on central Asia's rainfall