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Corporate social responsibility can boost a company's bottom line

Can companies do well by doing good? Research in the International Journal of Productivity and Quality Management that has looked at companies listed on the Tehran Stock Exchange (TSE) provides a positive answer to that question. ...

Where flood policy helps most—and where it could do more

Flooding, including the devastation caused recently by Hurricane Helene, is responsible for $5 billion in annual damages in the U.S. That's more than any other type of weather-related extreme event.

How social structure influences the way people share money

People around the globe often depend on informal financial arrangements, borrowing and lending money through social networks. Understanding this sheds light on local economies and helps fight poverty.

Nobel Prize-winning economist explains how to fix fintech

Financial services, like many institutions, are losing Americans' trust. That's a problem. Economies depend on a healthy financial system, as became painfully evident during the 2008 financial crisis, and that system operates ...

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What are 'rent tech' platforms? Action on reining in these exploitative tools is long overdue
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Sales jobs make people neurotic, but employers can protect workers' health—just look at the construction industry
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Current economic system fails examination by sustainability experts
Economics & Business
Small firms may offer higher pay due to a lack of market power
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Finding the sweet spot: Machine learning reveals factors for successful crowdfunding
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Report sets out three overlooked opportunities to fund net zero transition
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Researcher overcomes portfolio optimization limitations with new approach
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New study reveals how much influence global powers have on the economy
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LGBTQ+ policies significantly reduce discrimination for transgender and nonbinary people
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Why home insurance rates are rising so fast across the US. Climate change plays a big role
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High pay seen as sign of competence, study suggests
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Why saying you'll 'never retire' may be a warning sign
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Colleges barred from offering money to student-athletes are offering them multimillion-dollar coaches instead
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Study finds solid waste industry focuses more on traditional occupational hazards than social determinants of health
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Firms that withdrew from Russia following Ukraine invasion earn higher consumer sentiment, finds study
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Goodwill created a new high school for dropouts—it led to better jobs and higher wages
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Family-owned businesses hold non-family CEOs more accountable than family CEOs for firm performance
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Could a wealth tax help reduce inequality?
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Study reveals complexities of addressing needs of those in remote-rural areas
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Businesses trying to come clean about their impact on nature can end up concealing more than they reveal

Other news

Social Sciences
Online misinformation most likely to be believed by ideological extremists, study shows
Researchers witness nanoscale water formation in real time
Earth Sciences
How emissions from Brazilian Pantanal's soda lakes contribute to climate change
Fluorescent molecules to illuminate life: Simplified synthesis with formaldehyde
Plasma Physics
A new and unique fusion reactor comes together due to global research collaboration
Microplastic hotspots forming in offshore UK North Sea, researchers find
Webb detects fast outflow in the host galaxy of a luminous quasar
Study finds about 40% of public supports rationing measures to fight climate change
Protein study reveals how the tiny shrew achieves a resting heart rate of 1,020 beats per minute
Transforming seaweeds into raw materials for aviation fuel and pharmaceuticals
Bio & Medicine
DNA nanotechnology unravels complex protein interactions to inform cancer diagnostics
New imaging technique paves the way for simplified, low-cost agricultural quality assessment
DNA technology enables molecular monitoring for marine change and threats
Plants & Animals
The evolutionary history of rats has more holes than Swiss cheese, but researchers are trying to close them
Planetary Sciences
Lunar gravity measurements hint at a partially molten mantle layer
Scientists uncover light absorbing properties of achiral materials
New insights into sauropod evolution: Discovery of tail clubs in India
Raman spectroscopy study decodes symbiotic interactions in marine algae
Earth Sciences
Discovery of 3,775-year-old preserved log supports 'wood vaulting' as a climate solution
Space Exploration
Stuck NASA astronauts welcome SpaceX capsule that'll bring them home next year

Why advertisers pay more to reach viewers who watch less

A new study finds that viewers' income and likelihood of buying a product are not the factors that determine how much it costs to reach them— it's how active they are on the platforms where the ads run.