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The neutron lifetime problem—and its possible solution

Neutrons are among the basic building blocks of matter. As long as they are part of a stable atomic nucleus, they can stay there for arbitrary periods of time. However, the situation is different for free neutrons: They decay—after ...

Atomic sensors unveil hidden dynamics of molecular polarization

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has long been a cornerstone of modern medicine, providing highly detailed images of internal organs and tissues. MRI machines, those large, tube-shaped magnets commonly found in hospitals, ...

New method to generate photon pairs efficiently on a chip

Thin-film lithium niobate is an emerging nonlinear integrated photonics platform ideally suited for quantum applications. Through spontaneous parametric down-conversion (SPDC), it can generate correlated photon pairs for ...

Silicon metasurfaces unlock broad-spectrum infrared imaging

Infrared imaging technology is crucial for advancing our understanding of the world, from exploring biological specimens to inspecting complex materials and detecting hidden patterns in physical systems.

Successful test delivers DUNE steel beam a mile underground

Teams from Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory and Sanford Underground Research Facility have successfully completed the first test lift and lowering of a six-ton L-shaped steel beam for construction of the Deep Underground ...

Spin-wave reservoir chips can enhance edge computing

Reservoir computing (RC) has a few benefits over other artificial neural networks, including the reservoir that gives this technique its name. The reservoir functions mainly to nonlinearly transform input data more quickly ...

Brain delays could be a computational advantage, researchers say

Biological components are less reliable than electrical ones, and rather than instantaneously receive the incoming signals, the signals arrive with a variety of delays. This forces the brain to cope with said delays by having ...

More news

General Physics
LIGO team enhances gravitational wave detection with squeezed light
Quantum Physics
Study explores the physical origin of errors in a spin qubit processor
Optics & Photonics
Quantum computing and photonics discovery potentially shrinks critical parts by 1,000 times
Physicists uncover behavior in quantum superconductors that provides a new level of control
Optics & Photonics
Quantum research unlocks PET scan potential in disease detection
Quantum Physics
Digital quantum simulation of nuclear magnetic resonance experiments
Novel protocols for estimating Hamiltonian parameters of a superconducting quantum processor could improve precision
Quantum Physics
Google's sycamore quantum chip beats classical computers running random circuit sampling
Optics & Photonics
Researchers develop a laser that produces the strongest ultra-short laser pulses to date
Condensed Matter
Physicists reveal nonlinear transport induced by quantum geometry in planar altermagnets
Condensed Matter
Scientists use light to visualize magnetic domains in quantum materials
Plasma Physics
Researchers uncover role of plasma waves in mysterious heating of sun's corona
Optics & Photonics
Harnessing quantum principles: Phased arrays within phased arrays for smarter, greener indoor optical wireless networks
General Physics
Study proposes that proteins can compartmentalize and form droplets inside cells
Condensed Matter
First ever visualization shows photoexcited charges traveling across the interface of two semiconductor materials
Optics & Photonics
Powerful and compact optical frequency combs provide unique opportunities
Optics & Photonics
Researchers create a three-dimensional multi-focus laser for glass micro-sculpting
Optics & Photonics
Interdisciplinary advances in microcombs: Bridging physics and information technology
Condensed Matter
Theoretical study demonstrates existence of giant photocaloric effects in ferroelectric perovskites
General Physics
World's highest-voltage gun accelerates electrons from zero to 80% the speed of light

Other news

City microbes surviving on disinfectants, research reveals
'Getting high' in Paleolithic hunting: Elevated positions enhance javelin accuracy but reduce atlatl efficiency
Walking in short bursts found to consume 20% to 60% more energy than walking continuously for same distance
mRNA vaccines for disease outbreaks can be synthesized in less time with new technique
Using gamma-ray bursts to probe origin of star formation excess discovered by Webb
Explosive pollen wars: Plants fight for pollen-space on pollinators
Planetary Sciences
Unlocking cosmic origins: Researchers trace 70% of meteorites to 3 asteroid families
It's twins! Mystery of famed brown dwarf solved
Paleontology & Fossils
Fossil unearthed in Brazil is 237-million-year-old sister-group to Dinosauria
Plants & Animals
Electrophysiology study shows how ant toxin causes extreme pain
Hubble captures intricacies of R Aquarii, a symbiotic binary star roughly 700 light-years from Earth
Astronomer detects eclipses in a candidate cataclysmic variable system
Deep learning illuminates past and future atmospheric blocking events
Adaptive ferroelectric materials show promise for energy-efficient supercomputing
Plants & Animals
Aquaculture uses far more wild fish than previously estimated, study finds
Plants & Animals
Are you tasty to mosquitoes? Study offers clues into when and why they bite
Earth Sciences
Plate tectonics drive compositional evolution of the upper mantle, study finds
Earth Sciences
Understanding landslides: A new model for predicting motion
Earth Sciences
Easter Island's volcanic history suggests Earth's mantle behaves quite differently than previously assumed
Cell & Microbiology
'Vegetarian' salmon might lead the way to better health for humans and fish

New measurement of the top quark from LHC data

Researchers from the School of Physics & Astronomy have been involved in an important new measurement of the top quark made using data provided by the Large Hadron Collider (LHC).

A new approach to accelerate the discovery of quantum materials

Researchers at the Department of Energy's Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) and several collaborating institutions have successfully demonstrated an innovative approach to find breakthrough materials for ...

3D visualization brings nuclear fusion to life

When it comes to promising forms of energy, nuclear fusion checks all the boxes: it's clean, abundant, continuous and safe. It's produced when the lightweight nuclei of two atoms fuse together to form a heavier nucleus, releasing ...