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Creating an 'imprint' on a super photon

Thousands of light particles can merge into a type of "super photon" under certain conditions. Researchers at the University of Bonn have now been able to use "tiny nano molds" to influence the design of this so-called Bose-Einstein ...

Physicists predict existence of new exciton type

Bruno Uchoa, a professor of condensed matter physics, and Hong-yi Xie, a postdoctoral fellow in condensed matter physics at the University of Oklahoma, have published research in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy ...

Sound drives 'quantum jumps' between electron orbits

Cornell University researchers have demonstrated that acoustic sound waves can be used to control the motion of an electron as it orbits a lattice defect in a diamond, a technique that can potentially improve the sensitivity ...

Scientists uncover exciton behavior in van der Waals magnets

A research group led by scientists at the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) Brookhaven National Laboratory has uncovered details about the formation and behavior of mobile, microscopic, particle-like objects called "excitons" ...

More news

Condensed Matter
New semiconductor material AlYN promises more energy-efficient and powerful electronics
Condensed Matter
A new approach to fine-tuning quantum materials
Condensed Matter
Neutrons reveal the existence of local symmetry breaking in a Weyl semimetal
General Physics
PhAI—an AI system that figures out the phase of x-rays that crystals have diffracted
General Physics
Researchers discover new material for optically-controlled magnetic memory
Condensed Matter
New 2D quantum sensor detects temperature anomalies and magnetic fields
Condensed Matter
Hidden harmonies: Team discovers magnon–phonon Fermi resonance in an antiferromagnet
Condensed Matter
New research challenges conventional wisdom on wet surface adhesion
Condensed Matter
Researchers suggest a new method for determining atomic charges in materials
Condensed Matter
Can quantum particles mimic gravitational waves?
General Physics
Physicists report new insights into exotic particles key to magnetism
Condensed Matter
A camera trap for the invisible—a solution to difficult pattern recognition problem in experimental particle physics
Condensed Matter
Atomic 'GPS' elucidates movement during ultrafast material transitions
Condensed Matter
'Kink state' control may provide pathway to quantum electronics
Condensed Matter
'Miracle' filter turns store-bought LEDs into spintronic devices
Condensed Matter
A step closer to optical computers: Researchers develop an all-optical universal gate
Condensed Matter
Save your data on printable magnetic devices? New laser technique's twist might make this reality
Condensed Matter
Physicists control electronic properties of moiré crystals
Condensed Matter
Synthesis of a new compound with excellent intrinsic magnetic properties using smaller amounts of rare earth elements
Condensed Matter
The experimental observation of a dissipative time crystal in a Rydberg gas

Other news

Cell & Microbiology
Scientists uncover mechanism preserving centromere during cell division
A chemical cocktail of micropollutants amplified effect of algal toxins in 2022 mass fish mortality event: Study
Bio & Medicine
Low-cost nanomaterial technology can detect cancer genes with ultra-high sensitivity
Molecular simulations and supercomputing shed light on energy-saving biomaterials
General Physics
Researchers make sound waves travel in one direction only, with implications for electromagnetic wave technology
Earth Sciences
Ancient volcanic activity reveals climate threshold for ocean deoxygenation
Molecular & Computational biology
Crystallized alternative DNA structure sheds light on insulin and diabetes
Molecular & Computational biology
Antibody-like molecule shows promise for broad-spectrum malaria therapy
Planetary Sciences
Solution to a cosmic mystery—the eccentric orbits of trans-Neptunian objects
Fluorescent probe reveals action mechanism of serotonin in depression
Plants & Animals
Protecting just 0.7% of world's land could help save a third of unique and endangered species
Cell & Microbiology
Researchers discover an effective and environment-friendly disinfectant
Earth Sciences
Study suggests US droughts, rainy extremes are becoming more severe
Researchers propose mechanistic framework to explain complex microbe-host symbioses
Planetary Sciences
Nearby super-Earth has a sulfur-rich atmosphere, Webb observations suggest
Quantum Physics
Researchers create a one-dimensional gas out of light
Study reveals new female-determining pathway in turtles
Analytical Chemistry
A potential new route to super-efficient carbon dioxide reduction: Catalyst offers 800-fold boost
Role of long noncoding RNAs in skin provides important insights for evolution
Cell & Microbiology
'Ice bucket challenge' reveals that bacteria can anticipate the seasons

Active matter theory explains fire-ant group behavior

Ants are social insects and the Solenopsis invicta species—known as the fire ant—is no exception. The social interactions of this invasive insect, which comes from South America, are framed within the context of the theory ...

Distinguishing between right and left with magnets

Using a chiral superconductor, scientists at Institute for Molecular Science and Shizuoka University have demonstrated that the magnet can distinguish right and left forms of the chiral crystal despite the common belief that ...

New spin control method brings billion-qubit quantum chips closer

Australian engineers have discovered a new way of precisely controlling single electrons nestled in quantum dots that run logic gates. What's more, the new mechanism is less bulky and requires fewer parts, which could prove ...

A new milestone for light-driven electronics

An international team of scientists collaborating within the Würzburg-Dresden Cluster of Excellence ct.qmat has achieved a breakthrough in quantum research—the first detection of excitons (electrically neutral quasiparticles) ...

The Donnan potential, revealed at last

The Donnan electric potential arises from an imbalance of charges at the interface of a charged membrane and a liquid, and for more than a century it has stubbornly eluded direct measurement. Many researchers have even written ...