World Scientific Publishing is an academic publisher of scientific, technical, and medical books and journals headquartered in Singapore. The company was founded in 1981. It publishes about 500 books annually as well as more than 150 journals in various fields.[1] In 1995, World Scientific co-founded the London-based Imperial College Press together with the Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine.[2] World Scientific has been publishing online since 1996, including e-journals, e-proceedings, e-books, and operates an online bookshop.


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Black holes and the dark sector explained by quantum gravity

Ask any theoretical physicist on what are the most profound mysteries in physics and you will be surprised if she mentions anything other than Quantum Gravity and the Dark Sector. Questions such as how do we reconcile GR ...

Astronomers breathe new life into venerable instrument

How do astronomers determine the shapes of objects that are too far away to photograph? One method is by using spectropolarimetry, an observational technique that measures the way light waves align after they scatter through ...

Platform adoption in network markets

Strategic partnering has become commonplace when introducing innovations to systems markets. In standards battles, network affiliation has been used as a market signal to create confidence in a format's success. This paper's ...

Review of progress towards advanced Lithium-sulfur batteries

How should one design porous carbon materials for advanced Li-S batteries cathodes? What electrolytes are extensively studied for high-safety Li-S batteries? In a paper published in Nano, a group of researchers from Qingdao, ...

D-Wave and predecessors: From simulated to quantum annealing

The D-Wave computer is currently the latest link of a long chain of computers designed for the solution of optimization problems. In what sense does it realize quantum computation? We describe the evolution of such computers ...

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