LASSO case study—tapping ARM's Doppler lidars

Cumulus clouds, low and rain-free, get their name from the Latin word for "heap." With flat bases and puffy upper surfaces, such clouds appear to bubble into the sky, turning grey at the bottom and brilliant white at the ...

Very heavy elements deliver more electrons

Actinides, a series of 15 radioactive elements, are vital to medicine, energy, and national defense. Scientists examined two exceedingly rare actinides, berkelium and californium. These elements are at the extreme end of ...

Opening access to explore the synthetic chemistry of neptunium

Leftovers from nuclear reactors contain the element neptunium. To safely store the waste, scientists need to know more about how to control neptunium's chemistry. Knowing the stability of different oxidation states is central ...

Quantum predictions

Solving a complex problem quickly requires careful tradeoffs – and simulating the behavior of materials is no exception. To get answers that predict molecular workings feasibly, scientists must swap in mathematical approximations ...

STAR Detector on the move

How long does it take to roll a twelve-hundred-ton detector one hundred feet? In late August, it took 10 hours for the STAR detector to roll from its regular spot in the interaction region of the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider ...

Record-setting transfer of 1 petabyte of data

Using a 5,000-mile network loop operated by ESnet, researchers at the Department of Energy's SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory (SLAC) and Zettar Inc. recently transferred 1 petabyte in 29 hours, with encryption and checksumming, ...

Overspending on defense arsenal bankrupts a plant's economy

Defend or grow? Can plants do both at the same time? Michigan State University scientists might be inching closer to answering these questions. The answers matter. They could someday help us understand natural ecosystems ...

Cryocooler cools an accelerator cavity

Particle accelerators are made of structures called cavities, which impart energy to the particle beam, kicking it forward. One type of cavity is the superconducting radio-frequency, or SRF, cavity. Usually made of niobium, ...

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