Islands and coastal regions are threatened the most

Humans are responsible for the movement of an increasing number of species into new territories which they previously never inhabited. The number of established alien species varies according to world region. What was previously ...

The untapped nitrogen reservoir

Guanidine is one of the most nitrogen-rich compounds. It could be a valuable source of organic nitrogen, but only very few organisms can access it. However, certain bacteria manage to obtain nitrogen from guanidine. A Konstanz-based ...

Education a top priority

Almost 80 percent of respondents support more or even much more spending on education, whereas only 20 percent would support more spending on defense policy. In a number of countries, a majority of respondents is even willing ...

Making plastic durable and degradable

Polyethylene is the most abundantly manufactured plastic in the world. Due to properties like durability, it has many diverse, and even long-term uses. Professor Stefan Mecking's team in the Department of Chemistry at the ...

Light-induced shape shifting of MXenes

Ultrafast laser spectroscopy allows to observe the motion of atoms at their natural time scales in the range of femtoseconds, the millionth of a billionth of a second. Electron microscopy, on the other hand, provides atomic ...

Researchers characterize Ssb chaperone protein for the first time

For 20 years, researchers have tried to find out why the chaperone Ssb is the only member of the widespread Hsp70-chaperone family that is able to bind directly to the ribosome. This question has now been answered at the ...

How glyphosate affects brood care in bumblebees

Bumblebee colonies exposed to glyphosate are significantly affected in times of resource scarcity. Dr. Anja Weidenmüller, biologist at the Centre for the Advanced Study of Collective Behavior at the University of Konstanz, ...

Individuality drives collective behavior of schooling fish

New research sheds light on how "animal personalities" - inter-individual differences in animal behaviour - can drive the collective behaviour and functioning of animal groups such as schools of fish, including their cohesion, ...

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